Ubisofts Anvil Engine has allowed the company to reproduce vast historical cities, filled with thousands of NPC's. The amazing detail the engine has allowed in past Assassin's Creed games has exponentially improved over its predecessor, and the latest instalment Assassin's Creed Unity, due to release October 28th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, is the greatest yet with stunning recreations of late 18th Century France, as seen in the latest trailer, below...
About the Assassins Creed movie

Assassins Creed December 21st, 2016
After Callum Lynch discovers that his ancestor, Aguilar from 15th Century Spain was an Assassin, Callum relives Aguilar's memories to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to confront the Templars—age-old enemies of the Assassins—in the present day.
Directed by Justin Kurzel, Assassins Creed's release date is December 21st, 2016.
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