Terminator: Genisys Trailer Teaser Deconstructed!

Scified2014-12-03 14:05:27https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/568860071205692.png
Written by Gavin5,241 Reads2 Comments2014-12-03 14:05:27

Tomorrow he is back! Well thats what the teaser says, and while it may only be 13 seconds long, it actually does show us some of what to expect in tomorrows, presumably 2 minute long, trailer. But first of all big thanks to Chris for covering, I'm sure Skydance have realised when I am offline, or maybe its just coincidence that the official site, its video one sheet and this new teaser where realised while I was offline, cooking dinner - play fair Skydance, play fair. Anyhoo for even more screencaps of the teaser than there are below check out the new gallery HERE.

The first clip confirms early reports that Lee Byung-Hun is to play a T-1000. Being chase movies at their heart the Terminator movies need a good villain, and the T-1000 was probably the best. But wasn't the T-1000 in Terminator 2 a prototype; the only one of its kind. This new T-1000 though not looking like Robert Patrick is yet again in the guise of a police officer, and strangely the CGI from T2 (below) actually looks better than the CGI above, which looks more watery than mercury...

The above image shows that not only will the future war feature in the new movie, but so too will the TDE (Time Displacement Equuipment). While this important technology has never been seen before in the Terminator movies, director and co-creator of the first two instalments of the franchise, James Cameron did plan on featuring it in the prologue future war sequence for Terminator 2, below are two concept sketches from 1990 by conceptual artist Steve Burg on what Cameron intended. Notice the spotlights, chamber, podium and rings are very similar to the picture above...

The third clip in the Terminator: Genisys teaser shows Earth from high orbit on the fateful Judgment Day. Although no date is given as to when, according to this movie, Judgment Day will occur, the footage shown looks similar, yet strangely inferior (again) to same footage seen in the closing moments of 2003's Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines...

The final clip shows our guardian Terminator with one of his forearms exposed, showing the endoskeletal workings underneath. Unfortunately from the angle used it could well be the exposed forearm of another (though badly CGIed) T-800 (though we doubt it), unlike the virtually indentical, but far superior scene from Terminator 2 (below)...

Final Thoughts

So far the three of the four shots look like inferior recreations of imagery already seen in the previous movies, with the other being almost an exact recreation of concept art for an unfilmed scene from the original script for Terminator 2. Even the one sheet that was released yesterday on the official site is reminiscent of promotional image from the last instalment, Salvation (below). This gives off an aroma too often seen before in movies like Predators or the RoboCop remake, in which the majority of the movie plays out like an homage to the originals rather than attempting to tread new ground. Tomorrows breakdown of the full trailer should be more revealing, but thus far, we are not amused.

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MemberNoobDec-04-2014 5:33 AM

Please try and keep your negative comments to yourself....and stop trying to dissuade people from seeing this film.....




MemberLegendDec-04-2014 10:48 AM

Just stating fact Alx, three of the four clips from the teaser are inferior to similar scenes from previous instalments. 

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