During the recent AFI film festival, Ridley Scott made headlines after he openly disclosed the first scene from the upcoming Blade Runner sequel. That's right, he literally described what's going to happen, in detail. Not only that, Ryan Gosling recently sat down wth Collider and discussed himself working on Blade Runner 2 as well as co-starring with Harrison Ford!
In addition to Scott's reveal of the new Prometheus sequel film title, he had this to say about the opening scene for Blade Runner 2:
“We decided to start the film off with the original starting block of the original film. We always loved the idea of a dystopian universe, and we start off at what I describe as a ‘factory farm’ – what would be a flat land with farming. Wyoming. Flat, not rolling – you can see for 20 miles. No fences, just ploughed, dry dirt.
“Turn around and you see a massive tree, just dead, but the tree is being supported and kept alive by wires that are holding the tree up. It’s a bit like The Grapes of Wrath; there’s dust, and the tree is still standing. By that tree is a traditional, Grapes of Wrath-type white cottage with a porch. Behind it at a distance of two miles, in the twilight, is this massive combine harvester that’s fertilising this ground. You’ve got 16 Klieg lights on the front, and this combine is four times the size of this cottage. And now a spinner [a flying car] comes flying in, creating dust. Of course, traditionally chased by a dog that barks.
“The doors open, a guy gets out and there you’ve got Rick Deckard. He walks in to the cottage, opens the door, smells stew, sits down and waits for the guy to pull up to the house to arrive. The guy’s seen him, so the guy pulls the combine behind the cottage and it towers three stories above it, and the man climbs down from a ladder – a big man. He steps onto the balcony and he goes to Harrison [Ford]’s side. The cottage actually [creaks]; this guy’s got to be 350 pounds. I’m not going to say anything else – you’ll have to go see the movie.”
Following that, Ryan Gosling remaind tight-lipped about his role in the upcoming Blade Runner sequel, however when asked if the rumors were true about him being cast in the film, he replied by saying simply "Yes" and jokingly added “there’s a chip in me and if I say anything more I’ll explode if I say anything else.” You can watch the entire interview over on Collider.
Thanks to djrees56 in the Blade Runner forum for the heads up!
About the Blade Runner 2049 movie

Blade Runner 2049 October 2017
A new blade runner, LAPD Officer K (Ryan Gosling), discovers a dark secret that might bring an end to humanity. K's discovery leads him to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former blade runner who disappeared thirty years ago.
Directed by Denis Villeneuve, Blade Runner 2049's release date is October 2017.
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