MemberContributorJul-17-2016 11:05 AMI might get it. The best part was when the Rogue Titan appeared and started violently killing every Titan in its path and then the surviving Titans slowly back away like "Nope." I still haven't seen the second one yet and I only want to so I can see the Rogue Titan fight the Armored Titan because it will be the closes thing to the actual fight that happens in the manga until season 2 of the anime comes out.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminLegendJul-17-2016 11:18 AMNo word on the superior Part 2 yet, but I would imagine it's not too far behind the Part 1 release.

MemberNoobJul-17-2016 12:13 PMLOL! Will I be picking this up? No, I don't speak Japanese. If there's an overdub, it would probably be as bad as the old Ultra Man or Johnny Sokko shows.......no thanks.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminLegendJul-17-2016 12:21 PMrmeyer,
It's a North American release, so it will be subtitled. Thus, your comment makes little sense.

MemberNoobJul-17-2016 5:00 PMGmann: Bad enough. If I have to read, I'll get a book. Not what I call optimum movie watching. From what I saw on the trailer the Japanese still don't know how to make a decent movie.

MemberNoobJul-17-2016 6:43 PMOctober? ... hmmm ... don't know how they got the copies (maybe from Japan) but I've recently grabbed 1080p BluRayRips of Pt 1+2, with English subs ... so it's available for download ...
Not as good as the anime, obviously, but worth a watch ...

G. H. (Gman)
AdminLegendJul-17-2016 9:40 PMrmeyer,
Unsurprisingly, you would be incorrect on all counts.
This is no bootleg, this is the official FUNimation release. They struck a deal with Toho to distribute it both theatrically and to home video last year.

MemberNoobJul-18-2016 4:45 AM@Gman ... yes definitely not a bootleg ... ;) ... but good to know the extra info, thanks ...

Patient Leech
MemberInitiateJul-18-2016 10:16 AMI tried watching this the other day and it seemed good enough but after the shaky cam started I didn't think I was gonna be able to stomach it for 3 hours, so I turned it off.