Alien Movie Universe

[Potential Spoiler] Damon Lindelof Address Rumors of Henriksen in Prometheus

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AdminEngineerMay-17-2012 4:01 PM
An interview with Damon Lindelof landed on [url=][/url] recently where he addresses rumors which have been circulating regarding Lance Henriksen's (Bishop from ALIENS) involvement in the Prometheus film... Read on.. Here's an excerpt: [center][img][/img][/center] [i]One of the biggest topics surrounding Ridley Scott's upcoming sci-fi film Prometheus is how it relates to the rest of the Alien movies. The official line is that the new movie is set decades before Alien (1979), however it is not a traditional prequel - with no ties to characters seen in the previous films. However, this week Lance Henriksen said that "through the grapevine" he had heard something which would indicate a closer link. While promoting his role in the new animated series TRON Uprising, the actor (who appeared in Aliens as the android Bishop and returned for Alien 3 playing the same android and his human creator) told CraveOnline "I heard that they’re using a digital version of me to describe history." Henriksen went on to say "I can’t wait to see [Prometheus]...Neither can my manager.”[/i] [i]Speaking exclusively to, Lindelof weighed in on the Henriksen comments saying: [b]"All I'll say to that is there are a lot of lawyers at 20th Century Fox [laughs]. The idea that Ridley [Scott] would take it upon himself to put Lance Henriksen without his approval - that would be a bold move indeed. He would have had to have done it without any of those lawyers knowing about it and without me knowing about. The first time I heard about it was on Twitter about a week ago."[/b] Casting even more doubt upon any digital Henriksen cameo, Lindelof went on to note: "Bishop is one of my favorite androids ever and Millennium is one of my favorite TV shows. I am a huge Lance Henriksen fan, but I also think him showing up in this movie in any way would sort of break one of the tenants of the prequel rule, which is: by using an actor that appeared in any other Alien movie versus a character like Weyland who is only mentioned. We couldn't be cutesy and cagey anymore. It would be like "no, no, Lance Henriksen is in the movie in some way shape or form."[/i] Those are the main parts, but you can check out the full, original article [url=]here[/url]. Special thanks to[b] Seeasea[/b] for the news!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
5 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-17-2012 4:04 PM
"Neither can my manager" ? What is he waiting to see if he has grounds for a lawsuit because Fox used his image without his permission?


MemberOvomorphMay-17-2012 4:26 PM
ugh! what a way to stain this new film. i don not want to see A N Y of the other "canons" acknowledged in PROMETHEUS wtf?


MemberOvomorphMay-17-2012 6:53 PM
Talk talk talk, nothing but talk... where the hell is my action!


MemberOvomorphMay-17-2012 4:53 PM
Lance Henriksen is the Robert Englund of the Alien franchise, always trying to stir his name up for publicity.


MemberOvomorphMay-17-2012 6:47 PM
Naw naw naw. The history section is actually narrated by Tupac.
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