In retrospect, the meanings of very many lines will probably change after TROS.
3,689 Views0 RepliesSheldonMenez
MemberNoobDec-05-2019 11:36 PMOne in particular that provoked this thought was in RotS. Palpatine says “Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.” While we originally took this as a hint that once killed, Palpatine was dead. I now believe, with the return of Palpatine to close out the saga, that the fore mentioned line has now changed from a telling sign of death, to Palpatine gloating. He mocks plageuis for not knowing how to cheat death, now that Palpatine does. We know Sheev respected his former master, as revealed in the Tarkin novel, but Palpatine above all else considers himself an unbeatable god. This line in my eyes is now Palpatine bragging. Your thoughts?