I Meme Everything
Member2KMay-11-2018 12:49 PMChapter 6: Conquest of a Supercontinent
The Dragon approached the ruined land of Italy. The country was ravaged by volcanic ash from a deadly eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Draconus smirked as he saw dead bodies littering the ground.
The ship landed, and the two Draconians stepped out. They were in the ruins of the rebuilt Pompeii, once again destroyed by a volcanic eruption. Draconus turned to Dracon. "Set up a base here."
Dracon nodded. "Yes, My Lord."
Hours later, more Draconian ships arrived, carrying the materials needed to establish a base. The construction would take months to complete, and Draconus oversaw the progress.
Draconus turned seventeen years old on the day the base was completed. Using one of the building's telescopes, he looked at the volcano. Near the summit was a human base. "They've taken the high ground. It is the terrain of greater elevation, and it would grant us the tactical advantage."
He turned to Dracon. "Prepare a strike force to take the volcano."
Dracon nodded and bowed. "Yes, my lord."
As the team was gathered, Draconus thought about all he had done--the lives he had taken, the lands he had conquered. Unbeknownst to him, he was becoming the weapon his parents wanted--a heartless, soulless, unfeeling entity whose only purpose was to kill. He could've realised this. But no. Instead, he chose to keep walking down his path of darkness.
After his force was prepared, Draconus set out on a long trek for Mount Vesuvius. His long hair was soaked with sweat, and his muscles burned with aching pain. However, he carried on, fueled solely by his hatred of the human race. The journey took a week, and he had never before lost so much body fat. To maintain his musculature, he took breaks to consume fish that he had killed before he set out.
Days later, he and his team finally reached the base. Hiding behind a large rock formation, they devised a plan.
"Alright," Tyrannus said. "You guys will take out the guards, and Dracon and I will open an entrance into the building."
Everyone nodded as two soldiers took out their blasters. Looking through the scope, they aimed at the guards, taking them out. Draconus leaped over the rock, drawing his lightsaber. He ignited it and impaled it into the door, tracing a rectangular shape with the blade, before deactivating it. The future Lord of All Beneath kicked the door down, stepping inside.
With the Dragonbane Sword in his hand, he singlehandedly slaughtered all the humans inside. Draconus made his way to a balcony overlooking the stream of lava from Mount Vesuvius. A single figure stood there.
"It's over," Draconus said. "All your men are dead."
The man did not turn around. "I've heard of your exploits. I thought you were more than a suit."
Draconus stepped out of his armour. "Let's find out."
The man turned to face his opponent. "I am Zach Riddle. And you are nothing!"
Riddle ignited a red lightsaber, flipping forward through the air as Draconus blocked his slash with his purple blade. The two clashed, Zach pushing Tyrannus back into the halls of the building. For a while, the two locked blades, before Draconus unleashed a Force Repulse, sending Zach crashing through a wall, landing on a balcony. Tyrannus jumped forward, his sabre raised to deliver the killing blow. However, Riddle rolled out of the way.
They continued to fight, eventually dueling on a bridge. Draconus brought his blade down upon Zach's. Pushing down with his thicc arms, he drove both lightsabers into the bridge, the heat cutting through the foundations of the structure. With nothing to support its weight, the bridge began to collapse, the other end breaking off of the platform.
Draconus grabbed the railing and pushed off of it, landing on a hill at the bank of the lava stream. The bridge continued sinking into the magma, with Zach at a lower elevation.
"It's over!" Tyrannus gloated. "I have the high ground!"
Riddle raised an eyebrow. "Why does that matter?"
"Because I now possess the terrain of greater elevation, thus granting me the superior tactical advantage in this battle of traditional Jedi weapons we call 'lightsabers.' I strongly advise you not to leap onto the bank, for the consequences will be dire."
"I am of the belief that you don't believe that I am able to overpower you in this duel of traditional Jedi weapons, which emit a blade of heated energy. This may prove to be a fatal miscalculation."
Zach jumped off the sinking bridge, attempting to flip over Draconus. However, he simply moved his hand, dismembering his opponent, whose limbless body fell to the ground, tumbling to the edge of the bank. Tyrannus picked up his lightsaber hilt. "Your lightsaber will make a fine addition to my collection."
Riddle screamed in anguish before Draconus kicked him to the edge of the river, causing him to catch fire. Zach screamed in pain, being cooked alive as Draconus turned to leave. "See you around, kiddo."
Weeks later, Draconus returned to his base. "Europe is ours. Asia is next."
"Part of the journey is the end..."
MemberContributorMay-11-2018 1:00 PMNot bad. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.
Member2KMay-11-2018 2:16 PM"It's over!" Tyrannus gloated. "I have the high ground!"
Riddle raised an eyebrow. "Why does that matter?"
"Because I now possess the terrain of greater elevation, thus granting me the superior tactical advantage in this battle of traditional Jedi weapons we call 'lightsabers.' I strongly advise you not to leap onto the bank, for the consequences will be dire."
Good grief.