The History of the Tyrannus Universe

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I Meme Everything

Member2KApr-13-2017 3:12 PM

Today, I will be discussing the history of the Tyrannus universe, otherwise known as the universe in which most of the roleplay here on Scified takes place. Let us begin.


In the beginning, there was an endless void of chaos. But from that chaos emerged an egg, which gave rise to Arceus, the Original One.

Arceus then created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina to control time, space, and antimatter respectively.

However, Giratina was banished to the Distortion World for its violence. After that, Arceus set out with Dialga and Palkia to create the universe. Dialga and Palkia retreated to their respective dimensions, while Arceus continued to build the world.


Next was the creation of the Lake Guardians, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf to control knowledge, emotion, and willpower.


Many planets are formed, among them Draco, Scarif, Earth, and more. Groudon was formed from deep within the earth while Kyogre rose from the pressure of the deep sea. Rayquaza was formed from the particles within the ozone layer. Groudon expanded the land while Kyogre rose the sea level. The two would become archenemies, and only Rayquaza could stop their battle.

The only other Pokemon from this time were Mew, who would evolve into all other non-legendary Pokemon, and Regigigas, who shaped the regions by moving the landmasses created by Groudon. Regigigas created Regirock, Regice, and Registeel from clay, ice, and magma respectively.

After creating the Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous Orbs, Arceus fell into a deep slumber at the Hall of Origin in Sinnoh.


Years passed, and the Mews began to adapt to various environments, evolving into several different prehistoric Pokemon. Some went extinct following a meteor impact. The Pokemon population continued to diversify, but they were not alone. The first humans appeared and worshipped several legendary Pokemon, such as Regigigas. However, they feared his power and sealed him, along with his creations, away.


Afterwards, a war broke out between the Arkians of ARK and the Draconians of Draco. The war would continue for millenia, filling the universe with energy that would consume stones, resulting in Mega and Key Stones.


Meteor showers in the Hoenn region rained down upon the home of the Draconid tribe, creating Meteor Falls. They were overflowing with primal energy, which awakened Groudon and Kyogre. The two fought bitterly for the energy source, and there battle was stopped only when Rayquaza descended to stop them, and the two returned to their slumbers.


Time passed, and another meteor struck Hoenn, creating what would become the city of Sootopolis. Again, Groudon and Kyogre awoke, absorbing the energy released by the impact. They reverted to their Primal forms, and fought for twenty days and twenty nights.

Primal Groudon vs. Kyogre by GSlayer2004 on DeviantArt

The people prayed to Rayquaza for help, and once again, he faced his two subordinates. The spiritual energy from these prayers allowed Rayquaza to perform the world's first Mega Evolution.

With its newfound power, Rayquaza overwhelmed the two Primal Pokemon. Again, peace was restored, and a shrine was built to honour the saviour of Hoenn. The Draconids created the Sky Pillar, which depicted the events that had transpired and acted as a summoning point in case Rayquaza was needed.


Around this time, in the Unova region, two brothers ruled with a mysterious dragon. They debated what should define their kingdom: truths or ideals. They couldn't come to an agreement, and the dragon split into Reshiram and Zekrom to serve each of the brothers, while Kyurem was left as the empty husk of the original dragon. The two dragons fought, neither able to conquer the other.

Finally, the brothers set aside their differences and sealed the dragons away as the Light and Dark Stones in the Dragon Spiral Tower.


Eventually, the war between the Arkians and Draconians ended. They formed a pact, agreeing to help each other. Their children are the dawn of a new race, the Arkonians.


Many years passed, and Pokeballs were created. At last, people were able to catch and train Pokemon. Regional Pokemon Leagues and Gyms were set up. Several criminal organizations rose, including Team Rocket. Scientists of Rocket found the legendary Mew, managing to acquire and replicate a strand of its DNA. With this, they created Mewtwo for the sole purpose of battling. Upon discovering this, Mewtwo turned against its creators and went into hiding in Cerulean Cave.

Time passes, and an Athakiri civil war breaks out, as does another war. The Athakiri race is nearly extinguished, the only surviving member of the species being Tal'Asta. In the other war, GorillaGodzilla's parents are killed in the Battle of the Etherin Chasm after they hide their son.


Vader is born and quickly takes over a galaxy in his late teens.


Sometime later, Ghetto Hobbit is born and orphaned, then taken and raised by a gang based on Coruscant.


Another war occurs, between the Cult of Arceus and the Arkonians. Tyrant's parents are killed by Arceus as their son is hidden on ARK. He witnesses their death, his first step down a dark path.


He grows up on the island, banding together with other stranded people on the island. As a teenager, he is full of anger, hatred, and resentment, deciding that he desires so much more. Going against the will of the Force, he kills many to conquer ARK. Now known as a tyrant, he rules the island with an iron fist.


One day, his territory is ravaged in a battle between the DAF and the Rebellion. Later, he is approached by a savage, GorillaGodzilla, who takes the boy under his tutilage. The tyrant is trained, pushed beyond his limits--allowing his power to grow. Eventually, his master deems him ready. Together, the two end the tyranny of an Emperor known as Vader, securing their place as the rulers of the Empire. They conquer countless worlds, eventually bringing the entire universe under their command.


The new Emperor recruits a Draconian senator named Zan, and he and the tyrant become allies. One day, the Emperor is split into two entities - one of pure light, the other of pure darkness. The Tyrant bands together with his master's Light Side, the Draconian, and Tal'Asta to restore peace.


Eventually, they succeed, and the Emperor acheives a composite form. However, his quest has made him realise that he cannot continue down this warped path, and he converts to a being of light. But the peace does not last long, as Arceus returns to finish what he started so long ago. The Creator teams up with the tyrant's nemesis, a gangster hobbit. He triumphs over his opponents.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

8 Replies


MemberContributorApr-13-2017 3:43 PM

Can we just make this into a comic book already?

Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

I Meme Everything

Member2KApr-13-2017 3:52 PM


"Part of the journey is the end..."

Sci-Fi King25

Member2KApr-13-2017 6:12 PM

(Is this the same universe Jurassic World War took place in? If so, there are a few inconsistencies. PM me for details.)

I've been thinking about a comic book/animated series about this for some time. It'd be cool to see the SFK character arc.



“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

I Meme Everything

Member2KApr-14-2017 5:07 AM

^It's the universe where the roleplay happens.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Sci-Fi King25

Member2KApr-14-2017 1:57 PM

^So like an alternate reality where Deltadromeus founding the Rebellion and the "war" ending in a stalemate never happened?

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


Member2KApr-15-2017 7:32 AM

I concur with everything except the Pokemon beginning, that isn't really what I had in mind.

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

Member2KApr-15-2017 11:01 AM

^Well I wanted to stay true to the Pokemon lore since I've been planning the Arceus arc for a while

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Something Real

MemberLegendApr-21-2017 3:36 AM

TYRANT - How neat! I very much like the fact that you took the time to create this mythos for our enjoyment! Excellent work! :)

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