Godzilla Movie

What species do you think Godzilla will be?

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MemberMothra LarvaeOct-16-2013 6:27 PM
TOHO specified Godzilla's species in Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991), they said he was a Godzillasaurus. But what do you think Legendary will make Godzilla?
19 Replies


MemberBaragonOct-16-2013 8:05 PM
As long as they don't make him angry souls like a particularly stupid movie I'll be pretty happy. Hopefully they just say ancient radiated dinosaur and don't try to go to in depth as it will just be stupid. And please god don't do the stupid cloverfield cop out that it was at the bottom of the ocean all along and we didn't know


MemberMothra LarvaeOct-16-2013 9:21 PM
I think it, I see "it" because I don't know Godzilla's sex in the 2014 film, will be this sort of monster that's been trapped in ice for eons, and due to the polar ice melting, Godzilla is released and pissed off. So, in short, I'm pretty sure Godzilla will be a Godzilla. lol


MemberMothra LarvaeOct-16-2013 11:24 PM
I think it would be safe to say "previously unknown" species.

Gojira 2014

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-17-2013 1:47 AM
Godzilla's a boy ok thats why they call him king of the monsters not queen.
I have become death.......the casher at the donut shop.......


MemberTitanosaurusOct-17-2013 6:15 AM
Well,I'm hoping that the scientist characters develop their own theories for his origin,but at the same time I don't really want it to be crystal clear exactly which theory is right (so long as it isn't something convoluted and stupid).


MemberMothra LarvaeOct-17-2013 9:49 AM
Can you prove that? Have you seen Godzilla's genitalia? No? I'm also pretty sure that TOHO producers and directors have made the claim that some Godzillas are male, some are female, and some are left ambiguous.


MemberMothra LarvaeOct-17-2013 12:57 PM
Gareth and crew have repeatedly referred to Godzilla as 'he' in interviews. Godzilla is male.


MemberMothra LarvaeOct-17-2013 2:29 PM
Ah, yeah. You're right. I was thinking overall, and I didn't remember Edwards saying "he" until you brought it up.


MemberMothra LarvaeOct-18-2013 8:11 AM
He`ll be Godzilla.

Gojira 2014

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-18-2013 7:56 PM
Personally I want Godzilla's orgin to be a mystery and only get hints of his orgin but don't out right tell us what he is like they did in the 1998 remake.
I have become death.......the casher at the donut shop.......

True American Godzilla

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-23-2013 8:42 AM
As far as Godzilla's gender goes, at least this new version, I await to see what the movie will choose. Some animal species the male is bigger/stronger and others it's the female, so it all depends on the animal type the creators choose to mutate into Godzilla So, what creature will this Godzilla be. My guess is a critter dwelling in the deep sea. Now this can be... 1: An unidentified critter that looks like a pre-Godzilla monster. 2: A surviving marine reptile with gills that's been living in the deep sea (love to see the explanation for this critters survival). 3: [Your Guess Here]

I believe in Jesus Christ, who's my Lord and Savior.

John 3:16, Job 41:1-34, Leviticus 18:22


MemberMothra LarvaeOct-23-2013 6:30 PM
Thank you for the feedback!

Gojira 2014

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-26-2013 10:54 PM
SPARTANWARRIOR@ Why? Because most G fans really don't want to know where he originated from. According to the Godzilla 1954 rule book the humans are not supposed to know of his orgin. Im guessing your one of the few people who actually liked godzilla 1998.
I have become death.......the casher at the donut shop.......

Gojira 2014

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-26-2013 10:54 PM
SPARTANWARRIOR@ Why? Because most G fans really don't want to know where he originated from. According to the Godzilla 1954 rule book the humans are not supposed to know of his orgin. Im guessing your one of the few people who actually liked godzilla 1998.
I have become death.......the casher at the donut shop.......

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaOct-27-2013 9:33 PM
@Gojira2014 While I don't really agree with your "King of the Monsters" assessment in another thread, I agree 110% here. I don't want an over-explained origin. I want it vague, like the original film. The mystery and lack of explaination is what keeps Godzilla so terrifying.
"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Gojira 2014

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-28-2013 7:13 AM
@GMAN2887 agreed
I have become death.......the casher at the donut shop.......


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-20-2013 3:16 AM


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-20-2013 3:20 AM
I think they should keep him as a Dinosaur(Godzillasaurus) FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if they wanna keep his origin mysterious then i can still live with that. Just as long as they don't change him to a lizard or iguana or ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH AND DINOSAURS ARE NOT LIZARDS IF THEY ARE LIZARDS WHY DOES A VELOCIRAPTOR GROW FEATHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DINOSAURS ARE STILL NOT BIRDS THEY'RE JUST DINOSAURS THATS ALL THEY ARE

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaNov-20-2013 9:03 PM
"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."
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