Yesterday Paramount Pictures released a behind the scenes sneak peek as a teaser to announce today's release of the first trailer for the fifth installment in the Transformers movie franchise titled The Last Knight. Mark Wahlberg and Stanley Tucci reprise their roles from 2015's Age of Extinction starring alongside franchise veterans Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, and John Turturro in what is promising to be the most dramatic and action packed movie in the divisive franchise yet. Narrated by the legendary British actor Anthony Hopkins the trailer has a surprisingly somber and melancholy tone to it...
"Forgive me..."
What, the... hell? While the trailers look and feel has intrigued me and held my interest that final hook has definitely peaked my interest, as has the terraforming machine that may or may not be an interpretation of Unicron.
Even though I grew up with the generation one Transformers I do consider the movies somewhat of a guilty pleasure. They may not be the best movies, but at least they are better scripted than Batman v Superman's Martha scene.