You may have noticed that Paramount Pictures has been a little quiet lately regards their forthcoming fifth instalment in the Terminator franchise, the much talked about Terminator Genisys. In January the studio released the official plot synopsis, which has received alot of negative press...
In 2029 John Connor, leader of the Resistance, continues the war against the machines. At the Los Angeles offensive, John's fears of the unknown future begin to emerge when John is notified by his army unit, Tech-Comm, that Skynet will attack him from two fronts, past and future, and will ultimately change warfare forever.
On the verge of winning the war against Skynet, Connor sends his trusted lieutenant Kyle Reese back through time to save his mother's life and ensure his own existence. However, Kyle finds the original past changed. After being orphaned at age nine by a T-800, sent to kill her when she was young to prevent the future in which Skynet is defeated, Sarah Connor has been brought up by another Terminator T-800 programmed to protect her. This Terminator has then trained her to face her destiny, which she adamantly tries to reject.
Now, Kyle and Sarah have to escape the new model Terminator, T-800 and the T-1000 sent by Skynet to kill them, with the help of the old Terminator.
... Following this, and a lukewarm reception to an early test screening reports suggest that Paramount Pictures are tinkering with the movie in post production, in a bid to protect their investment. Reportedly the focus of said tinkering is the opening battle between the Guardian Terminator and the T-800 that arrives in 1984 to terminate Sarah Connor. And, as if a PG-13 rating and a reportedly comedic tone throughout wasn't bad enough, a series of script reviews have released major plot details about the movie, enraging and dividing opinions among both hardore fans and avid moviegoers.
Our Thoughts On What Was Leaked
Lets start with the good - The new Terminator, reportedly composed of smaller nanobots has many possibilities and is a natural evolution upon the T-X seen in Terminator 3, which used nanobots to remote control other CPU controlled devices (cars, computers, T-1's etc.). It is just a shame that, according to reports this new Terminator is barely seen throughout the movie...
The bad... there is too much to name, so to save your eyes and my sanity I will summarise them below...
- A T-850 is just an upgraded T-800, it is not a whole new class of Terminator. While they could have used another actor and explained it away as a different model retconning one type of Terminator while keeping the others intact just shows sheer lack of research.
- Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese are reported to travel forward in time to 2017? The whole world had been nuked by 2017! This was clearly explained in Terminator 3 - Cyber Research Systems developed Skynet using their own, I repeat THEIR OWN software AI, which was in no way related in any form to the destroyed work of Miles Bennet Dyson into a hardware AI. Ask any tech-head, unless you are one; hardware engineering and software engineering are two, completely different fields. Furthermore, and more importantly Terminator 3 shows that without the T-800 from 1984, development into Software AI would have culminated in Skynet going online by July 24th 2004. Dysons work into reverse engineering of the 1984 T-800's CPU would have resulted in a hardware AI that would have gone online beforehand; August 29th 1997. Judgment Day can happen no later than 2004, PERIOD!
- Genisys, nice name (not), but as already mentioned above, Terminator 3 already wrote Judgment Day is an immovable object, which is even more immovable when you consider the original, non time-travelled timeline would have also culminated in a Judgment Day of Circa July 24th 2004; inevitability and the natural culmination of mankinds ability to program a software AI (according to the franchise, not real life).
- A T-1000 production line reported to exist in 2017? Bombs or no bombs the advanced prototype that was the T-1000 was not developed until at least 2029.
- John Connor reportedly becomes the bad guy? Guardian Terminator essentially becomes a precursor to the T-X? A convenient back up Genisys? T-5000's in 2017?
Enough is enough, the rating is bad enough, the comedic tone is even worse, but the reported leaked plot details are just too much. If any of what is reported above is true - and according to various sources its all true, then Terminator Genisys is going to be the most ridiculed and slated movie since, well since last years winner of the most poitnless remake ever; RoboCop. Even with using the T-5000 idea and the all-too-familar present day setting, there was a possibility of a better movie than this. If creator James Cameron disliked the AVP movies, and thought that Prometheus was 'logically unsound', he's going to have a field day with this!