Dark Horse comics have released a new issue of an entirely new mini series from their Terminator comic line titled Terminator: Enemy Of My Enemy, which has been written by Dan Jolley (Bloodhound, Prototype 2), inked by Ray Snyder and pencilled by Jamal Igle (Supergirl), whom is also credited as the issues cover artist.
The 32 page, first issue of this new mini series is available to purchase now directly from Dark Horse, or from your local coomic book stockist for $3.99. Here is the official synopsis for the new series...
In 1984, Kyle Reese protected Sarah Connor from a cyborg that would stop at nothing to terminate her. In 1985, Skynet targets a scientist whose discoveries threaten its future, but this time there is no resistance fighter sent back to face it! With only enemies around her, what chance does Elise Fong stand against the perfect killing machine?