Terminator - We Have Detailed Files, Part 1 - The Flood Tunnels Chase!

Scified2015-03-08 13:50:34https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2584136321389945.png
Written by Gavin2,553 Reads0 Comments2015-03-08 13:50:34

There are many sites and Youtube videos that claim to have unique facts about the Terminator franchise, yet in most cases said information in these lists can usually be quite easy to come by through the various wikipedia and IMDB pages related to the franchise. Yet unsurprisingly, from a franchise full of time loops, paradoxes and altered timelines, there are many little bits of info that are much harder to find. For today we give you some lesser known facts from one of the franchises most iconic chase scenes...


In this scene from Terminator 2 Judgment Day the T-1000, driving a 1987 Freightliner FLA 9664 tow truck pursues John Connor on his 1990 Honda XR 100 dirt bike through the flood tunnels of Los Angeles. Following from above is the T-800 on his 1990 Harley Davidson Fat Boy FLSTF motorcycle. 

  • During this awesome chase scene the T-800 twice uses his Custom Marushin M1887 Shotgun to shoot off the padlocks on the gates ahead of him - in actuality it is the same shot, used twice - at 5:49 and again at 6:06 in the video above.
  • Just before this scene the T-1000 is told by two young girls that John Connor has gone to the Galleria; In the commentary for Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, it is explained by the director Jonathan Mostow that one of these girls - the girl with ginger hair and farthest from the camera, is 'in his mind' Kate Brewster, whom was played by Claire Danes in the sequel, and was potrayed by Bryce Dallas Howard in Terminator Salvation. 
  • The box of roses concealing the T-800's Custom Marushin M1887 Shotgun is a reference to the rock band Guns and Roses, whose song 'You Could Be Mine' was used to promote the movie. There are many other G 'n' R easter eggs scattered throughout the movie.
  • The awestruck tourist taking photographs of the T-800 after it is 'throw around' by the T-1000 is William Wisher Jr., the co-writer of the movie and its 1984 original (in which he also cameoed).
  • The camera trailer pulling star Edward Furlong on his 1990 Honda XR 100 dirt bike out of the Galleria parking lot had to reshoot the scene multiple times, increasing its speed with each take; because co-star Robert Patrick was such a fast runner he kept catching up with the trailer.
  • The 1987 Freightliner FLA 9664 tow truck used by the T-1000 in this scene is actually foreshadowed in a scene from The Terminator, in which the 1984 T-800 drives over a toy version of a similar truck with his station wagon.
  • The music score at the start of this scene was originally scored for the Terminator and John Connors escape from Pescadero State Hospital with Sarah Connor, and is entitled 'Escape from the hospital (and T-1000)' on the movies soundtrack album. This track is also used for the future war scenes at the start of the movie and when the trio are being chased by the T-1000 in a Freightliner FLC 120 64 truck pulling a tanker full of Liquid Nitrogen. The score for the reminder of the scene is a remix of parts of many tracks also found on the album.
  • The CG effects used to create the T-1000 walking out of the flames of the wrecked 1987 Freightliner FLA 9664 tow truck were the first of the T-1000 effects to be produced by ILM (Industrial Light & Magic).
  • Finally, the end of the above scene in shich the T-800 points his Custom Marushin M1887 Shotgun at a flaming tyre, had to be filmed multiple times because star Arnold Schwarzenegger hit his young co-star Edward Furlong on the head when drawing out the Custom Marushin M1887 Shotgun, repeated times.

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