Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV Spot Showcases Starkiller Base!
Scified2015-08-10 08:42:31
Written by Gavin1,529 Reads0 Comments2015-08-10 08:42:31

A new TV spot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens has aired in Korea. While most of the footage in this new TV spot is re-edited footage from the previous trailers and teasers, the opening shot contains all new footage - a brief establishing shot of the the villainous First Order on parade, which is pictured above. This shot is a reverse angle of the same shot seen in previous trailers which showcased the design of the new Storm Troopers, in fact with all of the Stormtroopers present in the shot looking toward the stage we would postulate that this shot immediately follows the one from previous trailers. This reverse angle being a much wider shot shows off much, much more. Heres the new TV spot, followed by a list of new things we spotted...

  • No Supreme Leader Snoke - The back of a figure can be seen stood at the forefront of the stage. While at first we suspected this to be the leader of the First Order, the chracters similarity to those stood behind him, and the fact that Andy Serkis is said to be portraying his character through the use of performance capture technology leads us to suspect Snoke maybe a more secretive character than first thought. The characetrs ranking of 'Supreme Leader' also leads us to suspect that while ultimately in charge of the First Order, Snoke may not be directly affiliated within its ranks.
  • No Kylo Ren - The widely publicized Sith (Lord or Apprentice, is as-of-yet unknown) is also absent from the parade, which would suggest that the character and that of Supreme Leader Snoke are seperate from the First Order while in ultimate control over it. 
  • New AT-AT Walkers - Three of these can be seen on the far right of frame.
  • Possible Tank - Four of these can be seen on the left of frame, their outline is similar to that of a Star Destroyer, though much, much smaller.

In a recent article Domhnall Gleeson, whom will play the First Orders lead officer General Hux, is reported to have dropped that this First Order base seen in this new shot is called Starkiller Base. The article then goes on to speculate a possible link to Luke Skywalker, whom was called Luke Starkiller in creator George Lucas' early drafts of Star Wars A New Hope. The name of the base may also be a reference to a character called Starkiller, whom appeared in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video games. Starkiller was a secret apprentice of Darth Vader, and whoms likeness and voice acting was supplied by Smallville and Battlestar Galactica actor Sam Witwer - Could Starkiller be Kylo Ren's Master? We highly doubt it, but you never know with Star Wars.

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