In an unsurprising move, Disney have announced that the next instalment in the Star Wars saga, the as-of-yet untitled Episode VIII, co-written and directed by Loopers Rian Johnson will no longer be released May 26th 2017. Following the massive success of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which currently stands as the most successful movie ever released in the US box office and the third most successful movie released worldwide. Disney and Lucasfilm have realised the unique profitability of the holiday season and shifted Episode VIII to a release date of December 15th, 2017.
The next instalment of the Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Men Tell No Tales has been moved up from its previous release date of July 7th 2017, to Episode VIII's former release date of May 26th.
This, of course means that Star Wars fans will have to wait longer for some of the answers to the questions left unanswered by last months mega hit movie, so lets just hope its worth the wait.