Roberto Orci Talks Power Rangers Movie
Scified2014-07-21 16:55:32
Written by G. H. (Gman)1,244 Reads1 Comments2014-07-21 16:55:32

Roberto Orci (Transformers, Star Trek, Mission: Impossible III), recently announced as the executive producer and story writer for the upcoming Power Rangers film, opened up to IGN about the project and admitted fan reaction was a big part of what will shape the film.

IGN: How do you approach the tone on something like this? It obviously has a perception going in, but it's also going to be pushed to a wider audience besides the pre-existing fans.

Orci: Part of it is seeing what we remember of it; our generation and what our memories of it are. Part of it is seeing the fans of it today. There are a lot of kids that love it today, and so it's about doing your homework. You talk to everybody who loves it and you find out why they love it and then you figure, what is the appropriate translation of that, tonally, to now? We have the added benefit of a movie is going to be two hours, or whatever it is, so it's gotta have an arc and a reality to it that maybe you don't have a chance to do all the time. That's going to be the exciting part.

IGN: Presumably it's not tied to the 21-year of history of the show. Are you going to use the same characters from the original series?

Orci: One of the first things we did was learn and read... They have 600 pages of research that they have on their stuff. We read through the synopsis of everything they did and we are actually taking into account quite a bit of the canon in a real way. We're not just a leave it behind reboot. [Haim] Saban cares very much about that. This is something that he created. I had to go to his house, personally, to tell him, "Listen, I'm your man. Miller and Stenz, these are your guys. I promise you I won't ruin your franchise." And he said, "It's very important to me, because kids around the world know what the Power Rangers are. So you can't just come in here and walk all over it. It better be consistent with what I've been doing." And I said, "Yes sir!"


Orci seems serious about his intentions to please fans and respect the core traits of the series. Although I'm more excited about the screenwriters that will tackle the bulk of the script, (Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz) Orci's words come as a sigh of relief for some fans.

You can read the rest of IGN's interview here.

Follow GMAN on Twitter at: GMANonScified


About the Power Rangers movie

Power Rangers movie news, trailers and cast

Power Rangers March 24th, 2017

High school teenagers (with attitude) are summoned to become superhuman heroes who defend the world against evil. At their disposal is an arsenal of powerful weapons and colossal vehicles known as, "zords".

Directed by Dean Israelite, Power Rangers's release date is March 24th, 2017.

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MemberNoobJul-21-2014 5:10 PMi just hope they bring back rita, i love MMPR even though i didn't grew up with it, because im to young
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