Jason David Frank, known best as Tommy Oliver the original Mighty Morphin Green and White Rangers, (as well as the Red Zeo Ranger and Black Dino Thunder Ranger in later seasons) has revealed he is involved with the Power Rangers reboot. The catch is he doesn't know much about his role.
“I probably will be involved. They talked to me about it.” Says Frank, “I don’t know how much I am involved, but for sure cameos at least in the reboot movie.”*
“For sure,” seems pretty promising. Almost too promising. Recent movies like Star Trek and The A-Team feature cameos from their television counterparts. On the other hand fans of Godzilla understand that cameos don't always make it into the final film. But screenwriters Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz were pretty good about making some fantastic cameos in X-Men: First Class happen. Lets hope they can put that same type of magic (and pull) in the new film.
With Frank in talks to join the Power Rangers reboot the biggest question is who will he play? Tommy Oliver? Another character? A short appearance that winks at the fans? Frank's recent words leave a lot of questions open to speculate over. Ranger fans will have to exercise their theoretical muscles in the meantime.
Power Rangers opens July 22nd, 2016.
Follow GMAN on Twitter at GMANonScified
*Cinema Blend
About the Power Rangers movie

Power Rangers March 24th, 2017
High school teenagers (with attitude) are summoned to become superhuman heroes who defend the world against evil. At their disposal is an arsenal of powerful weapons and colossal vehicles known as, "zords".
Directed by Dean Israelite, Power Rangers's release date is March 24th, 2017.
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