We have been led to believe that the forthcoming Terminator reboot/sequel is to feature time-travelling crossover elements similiar to those seen in 80's classic Back to the Future Part II and J.J. Abrams 2009 Star Trek reboot. These crossover elements are to presumably feature new footage being made to overlap with events in at least the first two instalments of the movie franchise. As such we already know that Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) has been cast as a circa 1984 Sarah Connor and Jai Courtney (Good Day To Die Hard) has been cast as a circa 2029/1984 Kyle Reese, but we have heard very little information on the re-casting of key parts from Terminator 2: Judgment Day, until now... maybe.
According to Deadline, Ouija and Big Love rising star Douglas Smith (pictured above) has accepted an as-of-yet unknown role in the movie. We speculate, with very little effort in all honesty, that Smith has in fact been cast as Edward Furlongs replacement for the scenes of the movie that will crossover with the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, though don't take our word on it until we recieve confirmation in some form.