Hitflix has confirmed that Bond 24 has found a new Cinematographer in BAFTA nominated director, Hoyte van Hoytoma. He will replace Roger Deakins as cinematographer for the Bond franchise as of now. Roger Deakins exited the franchise after his work on the critically acclaimed Bond movie 'Skyfall', to move onto other projects.
Hoyte van Hoytema's directing credits include 'Let the Right One In', and 'Her', both of which were critically acclaimed films in their respective genres. Both of these films were critically praised not only for their execution, but for the manner in which they were shot, which the cinematographer would be the principal one to oversee. If Hoytema can give Bond 24 the same visual flair that he gave these films, it should be very impressive indeed.
Hitflix is also reporting that Bond 24 may return to shooting on film for this installment. While far from confirmed, it may mean that the texture and style for the film may be clearer and crisper now that it will be released on analog instead of being digitally processed before.Stay tuned to Bond 24 news as we learn more.
Bond 24 will be the fourth film for Daniel Craig in his role as James Bond. Previously having been in 'Casino Royale', 'Quantum of Solace', and most Recently, 'Skyfall'. Sam Mendes is confirmed to be returning to direct as well. The release date for Bond 24 is November 6, 2015 in the United States, and as of yet, it lacks a formal title.