7 Super powers from sci-fi movies that would be great in real life scenarios

Scified2016-02-24 11:19:28https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/92783004291775.jpg
Written by Chris8,039 Reads0 Comments2016-02-24 11:19:28

One of the most popular movie genres today is sci-fi. Some of the most imaginative characters are featured in these films with awe inspiring super powers. Viewers are spellbound by the super powers they possess and how they contribute to the overall movie plot. 

The Incredible Hulk

With his super human strength, there is no task too great for the Hulk. There are times when many people wish they had this power as it could be practical in situations where moving heavy objects is required or even something as simple as opening a stuck jar lid.


Who wouldn’t like to be able to climb the walls? Spiderman’s special power can be quite practical at times. It could make doing household chores both indoors and outdoors that much simpler.


This X-men character has the power to control the weather. Can you imagine the implications of having this power? No longer would you need to worry about the weather when having special outdoor events. Solve your gardening woes by ensuring appropriate rainfall.

Multiple Man

Do you ever wish there were more of you to accomplish all that you want? With this super power, you could go replicate yourself to take care of life’s obligations while also having some fun. For instance, it would be possible to go to work and also enjoy an afternoon off elsewhere.

Luke Skywalker

In the Star Wars saga, the “Force” is a power welded by Jedi and Sith warriors. The force can encompass an array of super powers. For instance, levitation was one power Skywalker was able to perform. This could be quite useful at both home and work. This would also be helpful to perhaps stop a roulette ball precisely on your number when playing $10 deposit casinos australia.


For those of that commute to work and face snarling traffic jams, the idea of being able to take to the skies to get to work in a matter of seconds would be appealing.  

With so many super powers, which would you want to help make your day considerably easier?

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