MemberNoobDec-03-2015 1:36 PMI think we've all heard this might happen. Here's some more news about a Han Solo spin-off film and who might portray a youthfull space pirate. The article I've posted said it will be released in 2018...excuse me for ranting here,but you'de think with all the film making technology and staffs of writers some of these studios have they could move the release date up a year or two ;)
Here's a link to the article: Han Solo spin-off film,2018

AdminAtmanDec-04-2015 3:20 PMThanks for the link! Though, I think I know who should play Han Solo in the spin-off

MemberRespectedJan-24-2016 9:14 AMI am not very interested in spin-offs I will keep to the real movies.

MemberInitiateJan-25-2016 2:45 AMSomewhat surprised the Han Solo movie isn't coming out this year instead of Rogue One riding on the hype of the character due to how great he was in Force Awakens.