Apparantly,Michael Bay is in negotiations to direct a Blade Runner prequel!

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MemberNoobJan-18-2013 4:17 PM
I'm not certain how acurate (or true!) this information is but it is being reported from a few sources that Michael Bay, MICHAEL BAY is sopposedly in negotiations to direct a Blade Runner prequel! I'm not sure about Michael Bay being connected to the Blade Runner franchise and a prequel at that! But perhaps he wants an intellectual break from zany action to pace, mood and pathos. Read on: ________________________________________________________________________________ Michael Bay penned to direct stunning Blade Runner prequel (By Shoe Horn Reporter) (Last updated at 6:22 pm on January 18th, 2013) In a move that’s certain to set sci-fi and action film fan’s pulses racing, Warner Brothers has announced award winning sci-fi director, Michael Bay, to head production in the long awaited prequel to Ridley Scott’s cyberpunk classic. Michael Bay – whose film credits include such groundbreaking works as Bad Boys (1995), The Island (2005), and Transformers (2007) – is no stranger to the sci-fi genre. He was reportedly first choice of Warner Brothers president, Alan F. Horn, from a shortlist of directors including Ridley Scott, Chris Nolan and Andrei Zvyagintsev. In an interview with Inside Film, Bay talks of his initial doubts taking on such a seminal work, but tells how they soon evaporated when he realised the potential for reimagining Scott’s vision. “When you consider what Ridley could’ve done on that movie with today’s technology, it dawns on you that the Blade Runner we’ve all seen is really just the tip of the iceberg,” enthused Bay. “The original movie was great in the 80s, but try watching it now next to movies like Attack of the Clones and The Last Airbender, and it really does feel lacking by today’s standards.” When asked about casting, Bay’s keeping tight-lipped for now, although sources inside Hollywood say both Shia Leboeuf and Will Smith are in callbacks for the part of Rick Deckard, while Chris Tucker and Nicholas Cage have both been hinted at for the part of sadistic Replicant, Roy Batty (expected to be renamed: Roy Barry). Asked how he plans to update the characters: “In the original, the robot characters really didn’t look or act much like robots – due to a lack of CGI options in the 80s. So you really had to use your imagination there. That was the first thing I wanted to address, and while I can’t give much away yet, lets just say you’re gonna know the robots in this movie are robots from the 21st century!” Bay’s also keeping tight-lipped about rumours he’s planning to shoot in a newly developed 2.1:1 aspect ratio – adding an extra 2 feet onto the width of the cinema screen to accommodate the explosions in the climactic finale. All we know is that with Bay at the helm, this will be one film you won’t be sleeping through. “As we’re already saying: 500% more blades! 300% more running!” Blade Runner 3D is set to begin shooting in summer _________________________________________________________________________________ For verification check out this site and in fact google Michael Bay to direct Blade Runner prequel, [url=]Michael Bay penned to direct stunning Blade Runner prequel[/url] Supprisingly whether true/valid or false there is rather a lot to say on the subject! I'm not certain about the stupid ideas about Will Smith and Shia Lebouf or Nicolas Cage, (Roy Batty-like Replicant? I don't know...) Perhaps they were just saying those names just because they featured in a Michael Bay films. Maybe I am not giving these actors a fair hearing, they could be good maybe, not sure though. I imagined perhaps different actors for a Blade Runner prequel but who knows! They mentioned Blade Runner 3D though so thats hopefull info! Take from this what you will, read for yourselves and see what you get from it. *Link made clickable by Svanya
16 Replies


Admin2KJan-18-2013 4:40 PM
Wait a sec... Something doesn't sound right. Look at these quotes; [i]“The original movie was great in the 80s, but try watching it now next to movies like Attack of the Clones and The Last Airbender, and it really does feel lacking by today’s standards.” “In the original, the robot characters really didn’t look or act much like robots – due to a lack of CGI options in the 80s. So you really had to use your imagination there. That was the first thing I wanted to address, and while I can’t give much away yet, lets just say you’re gonna know the robots in this movie are robots from the 21st century!” [/i] Replicants are NOT robots. Never were, they are 100% biolgical. Hmm, me thinks this is not real. Let me go find more info.


MemberNoobJan-18-2013 5:09 PM
Yes, I figured it may be. But that particular article that I found may be fake but do you think there is any validity that Michael Bay may be connected to a Blade Runner prequel still?


MemberNoobJan-18-2013 5:06 PM
Yes, either this article is very bogus or that it's just 'Michael Bay-talk' and he's just not very clued-up on certain Blade Runner terminologies but it doesn't necessarily mean that it is false, but who knows!


Admin2KJan-18-2013 5:07 PM
It's a fake Nova. The site that posted it is like [url=]"The Onion"[/url], it has fake newstories (Parody Newspaper). --> [url=]BLADE RUNNER REMAKE GOING TO MICHAEL BAY - HELL NOOOOOOO![/url]


Admin2KJan-18-2013 5:12 PM
Nope, it's all fake. I may add this to the newsfeed anyways so leave it up. I will tell people it's bogus. :)


MemberNoobJan-18-2013 5:14 PM
Alright, thanks Svanya.


MemberNoobJan-18-2013 7:43 PM
Thank God for that post Svanya!!!!! The notion of Michael Bay directing such an outstanding epic movie especially with those casting ideas really had me worried for a moment. Thanks for researching this bs and clarifying it for me. Ridley Scott is the ONLY person who should direct a sequel, and btw NOT a prequel again!!!! I do not want to go through another prequel fiasco like we went through with Prometheus. This movie lends itself to a straight up sequel and a prequel is just not necessary. So now we can breath easier and wait for RS to anounce that he is directing BR2 and not preBR in the near future, hopefully sooner than later.


MemberNoobJan-19-2013 12:11 AM
Thank God it's fake, that would be the end of the end...that guy scare me a lot :p


MemberNoobJan-19-2013 6:19 AM
The new owners of the franchise rights to Blade Runner have had plans to bring about a sequel, a prequel and anime-style tie-ins much like the Animatrix accompaniment to the Matrix trilogy and Dark Fury served as a bribge between Pitch Black and The Chronocles of Riddick for a while now. There dream director for a new Blade Runner instalment was of course Ridley Scott first refusal return to the franchise, secondly Christopher Nolan was considered as-well-as a few others. Getting Ridley on board to make a sequel makes good sense both for franchise consid- erations, marketability and familiarity. But there is no reason why an individual say of Christopher Nolans merit could not be involved in a prequel as his portfolio of work over the years in particular with the Batman: Dark Knight trilogy is testamanent to the fact that if he would ever want to do a film in this type of genre he would do it well. In this instance the producers always wanted to consider a direct sequel or prequel or sequels to Blade Runner right from the begining as they felt there was enough material to explore both sides of the main film. It also was never even a consideration to even THINK about remaking the original Blade Runner as they felt why would you want to? Its so rich with texture and layers of subliminal thinking and so complex that it flirts at the realms of possibility that may be going on just out of sight and out of reach on the periphery and the horizon beyond. Once things 'down here' are done and made what happens to them when they go off out of camera and over the horizon to the out-bound regions of this world and what happens to them when they get there and what, if any, motivates them to take monumental risks to return like salmon swimming up-stream to their spawning grounds back to the origins of their birth? One idea was considered as the origin of Roy Batty and the others as this idea was first proposed as an addition to what Hampton Fancher had first written but was expanded upon by David Peoples where-by a bunch of replicants are being 'mercilusly' plowed-over as rubbish is upon a land-fill site yet these would be the broken parts or discarded remains of past replicants, some even still partially functional, and conscious of what is going on around them much like how humans are treating the androids in A.I: Artificial Intelligence with sickening perverse pleasure in their destruction and 'torture'. Then, from out of one of these sickening piles of the replicant dead as is similarly equated to the piles of dead corpses in the Holocaust concentration camps of Auszwitz, Belson, etc, rises Roy Batty seemingly back from the dead. And from there he begins his murdeorus campaign to lead a Replicant revolt back to Earth. I read somewhere that he becomes a messiah to the replicants much in the same fashion as John Connor does to the Human Resistance against the Terminator Skynet Machines of the future and in many ways it would play-out like Rise of the Planet of the Apes and the long crusade until Ceasar and the others finally break out and begin their bloody revolt against their human slave masters. I have read notes upon this idea somewhere, I'm certain of it, I will look to try and find it and the passages in one of the earlier Blade Runner drafts that hint at this notion. But inevitably many other replicants were killed in the attempt to rebel leaving only a handful left such as Roy and the others.


Admin2KJan-19-2013 10:08 AM
@HyperNova; Could you post a link so I can see the source of that? TYVM! :D Regardless, those are all very old newstories (2011), Ridley Scott has confirmed he will be doing the Blade Runner sequel so stop worrying. [url=]Ridley Scott wants Harrison Ford for Blade Runner sequel[/url] :)


MemberNoobJan-19-2013 12:57 PM
I am not worried Svanya just curious as many others are about others being involved in the franchise. I'm reinstaing that if some of those ideas were discussed then and possibly considered during meetings/conversations had then perhaps elements of those could in fact bleed down into other productions not necessarily reserved for just Blade Runner 2 but not possibly going to be pursued UNTIL Blade Runner 2 is completed. I am searching and will find it/them soon hopefully to post here.


Admin2KJan-19-2013 1:24 PM
Oh, I had found it , it dates back to 2011, very old news. No one else but Ridley Scott will be involved, that has been 100% confirmed by even Ridley himself. See, it's very old news. [url=]Christopher Nolan Wanted for Blade Runner Sequel or Prequel- Date Mar 4, 2011[/url]


MemberNoobJan-19-2013 7:52 PM
Yes, I'm saying that the people at Alcon who aquired the rites to the sequel/prequels to Blade Runner although considering Ridley For the current project in developement (more than likely a sequel) there was talk of prequels too and its possible they could reach out to other directors (i.e) Chris Nolan, David Fincher etc. and develop back story films or keep Ridley Scott in the loop all the way. Its just interesting to me to talk about what they potentially talked about what there approach was going to be : Sequel/Prequel. There is some compelling information I have read that although it is deemed as older in nature there is no reason not to consider the possibility that they may have Ridley Scott locked down for a sequel to Blade Runner and other potential directors for possible prequels. I will upload some articles I have read too. Thank you Svanya, o.k.


MemberNoobJan-19-2013 9:55 PM
One thing i would say about bay films is the over use of special effects. Some of them a way too 'busy', there is too much happening in them
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberNoobJan-20-2013 1:27 PM
I merely want to share information that newer members to the site and the Blade Runner sequel/prequel development phase to date may not have been privy to so I wanted to take the opportunity to place information about the earlier consideration and still possible consideration of Christopher Nolan in connection somehow to the franchise - now possibly a hypothetical prequel but as yet not confirmed. The fact that his name was mentioned and indeed considered by the new Blade Runner rites holders: Alcon Entertainment lends weight at least in some part to a continual development phase within the franchise in future reference beyond Ridley Scotts re-participation to it. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Christopher Nolan Wanted for Blade Runner Sequel or Prequel It was announced on Wednesday that Warner Bros. is planning to make both prequels and sequels to director Ridley Scott's epic sci-fi masterpiece Blade Runner, with Broderick Johnson and Andrew A. Kosove overseeing the project for Alcon Entertainment. Yesterday, new story details arrived. Knowing that Blade Runner's fanbase, and sci-fi aficionados in general, would be up in arms about continuing on with Blade Runner as a franchise, both Broderick Johnson and Andrew A. Kosove have taken the high road in explaining their intentions. Today, Andrew A. Kosove came out to say those words most likely to get film buffs and remake haters on his side: He wants The Dark Knight Rises director and beloved fanboy auteur Christopher Nolan to helm his continuation of the Blade Runner saga. "Our friend Christopher Nolan who we did Insomnia [with] would be the pie in the sky for us. To be clear I think what Christopher Nolan did - and to be clear, we cannot remake Blade Runner. As a legal matter, we have not bought the remake rights we have no interest in remaking it we can only do prequels or sequels. But I think the methodology that Christopher Nolan brought to Batman is precisely what we aspire to whomever the filmmaker is, whether Ridley Scott comes back and joins us or it's someone else. It's precisely what we aspire to with Blade Runner, that's the template for us." Andrew A. Kosove also talked more about reaching out to Ridley Scott in terms of his directing a sequel to Blade Runner. "The answer to that question is as follows. I'm going to answer it very briefly - we won't say if we've reached out to Ridley Scott or not, but what we will say is that Ridley Scott's blessing to what we're doing is very important to Alcon. It's important to Bud Yorkin, and certainly we have the greatest degree of respect to him as a filmmaker. He's one of the greatest living directors and one of the greatest directors of all time. So of course he's very important." _______________________________________ Alcon Entertainment Acquires Rights To Make ‘Blade Runner’ Prequels & Sequels A press release has been sent out by Alcon Entertainment, a company based within Warner Brothers, stating that they’ve entered into final negotiations to acquire the rights to make both prequels and sequels to the 1982 Ridley Scott science fiction classic, Blade Runner. Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove, co-founders and Chief Executive Officers at Alcon, are set to take on not only the film rights, but also television and ancillary rights as well. It’s unclear what exactly they plan to do with the rights at first, but it would appear that at least one Blade Runner sequel/prequel is in our future. As part of the deal, it’s also noted that this will allow Alcon Entertainment to do what they will with the Blade Runner name and anything presented in the original film, but it EXCLUDES them from being able to actually remake the ’82 film. Johnson and Kosove had this to say about the deal: We are honored and excited to be in business with Bud Yorkin. This is a major acquisition for our company, and a personal favorite film for both of us. We recognize the responsibility we have to do justice to the memory of the original with any prequel or sequel we produce. We have long-term goals for the franchise, and are exploring multi-platform concepts, not just limiting ourselves to one medium only. __________________________________________________________________________________________ I like the neat idea of the film and television rites have been secured and a special deal barring Blade Runner itself being remade in any shape or capacity but instead the development process is going to build up very strongly around it is still great news to think about. The fact that Alcon Entertainment considered Chris Nolan to them as a serious contributor to this franchise is the exceptional view they and I take as I compare that level of quality director to that of James Cameron stature and his contribution to the Alien franchise.


Admin2KJan-20-2013 5:54 PM
@HyperNova; Did you check the date on that newsarticle saying Nolan might direct? I searched through all the Nolan directs Blade Runner -related news articles and linked one on my last post. They are ALL over 2 years old, more importantly is the DAY on which some are posted, April 1st. April fools day... I urge you to be more mindful when posting "news" in your threads. [url=]RUTGER HAUER SAYS ONLY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN COULD DIRECT ANOTHER 'BLADE RUNNER'[/url] In future, please post the source (in the form of a link) when you create a thread or respond with a news article, as it provides the post with legitimacy.
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