Sarah Connor, originally portrayed by American actress Linda Hamilton, started out as an innocent, niave young woman whose life was turned upside down over the course of two nights when her destiny was abruptly forced upon her. Left pregnant and alone, she was left with the knowledge that her unborn son would lead mankind to victory in a war against intelligent, self aware machines. But for her son to realise his destiny 3 billion human lives would be lost when the machines rose to power; a price and responsibility she believed too dear.
In Terminator Genisys Sarah, recast as British actress Emilia Clarke, learns of her future and the destiny of her son from an early age, but characteristically refuses to accept her fate and together with the help of the Terminator that raised her and Kyle Reese, the resistance soldier sent back to 1984 to protect her from termination, she attempts to stop the mass murder of mankind, known as Judgment Day, from happening.
And in another TV spot quotes from franchise creator James Cameron, taken from the recent featurette in which the Canadian director praised the movie, have been used to help sway audiences away from the barrage of bad press the movie has recieved thus far.