20th Century Fox, founded 80 years ago, is one of the oldest film studios in Hollywood, yet despite the studios grand history the studio has shown in recent years its ability to adapt to the modern age of filmmaking. Along with Walt Disney Pictures, Fox is leading the revolution into how we view movies. An example of the studios ability to adapt is the retconning, it seems, of the entire X-Men movie franchise as seen in the closing moments of X-Men: Days of Future Past. Another example is the forthcoming Alien movie by Chappie director Neill Blomkamp, which looks set to question the canonicity of the franchises latter two instalments.
A third example can be found with Deadpool; a project pursued heavily by director Tim Miller and star Ryan Reynolds, with a cult sized fan following. Typically such projects are ignored by Hollywood studios, especially the bigger named studios. Yet, after the leaked test footage recieved such high, almost universal praise from fans and critics Fox did the unexpected and actually paid heed to the fans desires and green lit the Deadpool Movie.
While fans may have high hopes, others are wary considering Ryan Reynolds history with comic book characters has been far from smooth; first playing Hannibal King in Blade Trinity, then Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and lastly Hal Jordan in the Green Lantern. Additionally the risky and unprecedented prospect of a R-rated comic book movie that will break the fourth wall, has some fans worried as how well the movie will be executed. Thankfully todays teaser for tomorrows trailer shows good promise and surely a moment of relief for worried fans...
About the Deadpool 3 movie

Deadpool 3 September 6th, 2024
Official plot synopsis for Deadpool 3 has yet to be revealed.
Directed by TBA, Deadpool 3's release date is September 6th, 2024.
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