Ever since Batman v Superman was revealed back in 2013's San Diego Comic Con studio Warner Bros and director Zack Snyder have kept the particular details muted on star Ben Affleck's new Dark Knight costume. While Henry Cavills new Superman suit and Gal Gadots Wonder Women outfit have been showcased in full, the best image we've had of the Batsuit was a monochrome photograph, with star Affleck stood beside the new Batmobile that was taken on set during the films prolonged production. A photograph that has been recolored by fans numerous times in many, many hues. But now fan speculation on the Batsuits color scheme has finally stopped with the release of last weeks trailer. Though in all honesty we got more footage of the Bat-Armor a set of new images courtesy of Bleacher Report gives us our best look at both the new Batsuit and the new Batmobile.
Get A Closer Look At Batman v Superman's Batsuit and Batmobile!
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