Ahead of next issue of their magazine on sale Thursday, Empire are drip releasing the new, exclusive images they have from next years superhero showdown movie event Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Though this form of spoonfed marketing is becoming tiresome, we doubt magazine websites like Empire and EW will stop using it at any point in the near future, as the practice is almost guaranteed to see them get high volumes of traffic while they have the images and interviews to cater for demand. Here's the high quality images that have been released thus far, all in one place - we'll add the rest as and when they are released...
All of the New Batman v Superman images released so far!
Gavin for DCEU Movie NewsScified2015-07-28 12:50:072015-07-28 12:50:07https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/6298922196819133.png Scified