Humanity's new natural predator
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Member2KOct-14-2019 10:02 AM

Humanity since the dawn of civilizations has put a strain on the natural world. Entire ecosystems have been changed with the introduction of domesticated animals and other invasive species as humans migrate across the globe bringing their livestock, pets, and pests with them. Humans also grow unchecked because we haven't had a natural predator besides ourselves since the Early Pleistocene Epoch.

I propose a genetically modified "natural" predator, it would have to be fast, stealthy, and big enough to follow humans in-doors. It would need to have a thick hide to protect it against bullets and intelligent enough to survive evade capture and avoid traps.

41 Replies


MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 10:11 AM

There's a lot of problems with this concept. I'm just going to leave off with one: we've tried this before with invasive species. In efforts to deal with invasive species, people have introduced their natural predators to get rid of them. It worked, but then the new introduced species became the invasive species and ended up being even worse. This super predator would end up hunting everything else as well, especially after their supply of humans runs out. 

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-14-2019 10:16 AM

well it doesn't have to be a super predator but more on the lines as a competitor 



MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 10:19 AM

Then it'd end up doing the same thing. It would be trying to fill our niche and overpopulate, just like us.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-14-2019 10:26 AM

Well if it had a lower birth rate it should be able to curve it from overpopulation. Also if it was strictly carnivorous, carnivores tend to eat less than herbivores



MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 10:31 AM

What keeps it from eating, you know, everything else? Where would the scientists get the funding for this? Wouldn't it mainly hunt people who are homeless or are living in unprotected areas, whereas rich people have an advantage where they can afford body guards, weapons to protect themselves, etc? How would these things be transported? Would they even make a significant impact on our pollution and climate change problems? Would they target livestock? Where would they hide and live? What stops other scientists from creating some kind of weapon to specifically kill this creature?

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 10:45 AM

Also, if it's in the same niche and only feeds on meat, it would really just contribute to the methane levels as much as us because of live stock, because those are a core part of our niche, they are strict carnivores and can only farm other animals, and livestock produces a lot of methane, which is MUCH worse than CO2

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-14-2019 10:49 AM

well it would then serve its purpose in lowering the human population.

However if it were sapient, then it would more than likely develop tools or steal already made tools and weapons from humanity. I am entertaining this idea in my latest gojiverse chapter with the Devilbeasts/Devilmen replacing humankind as the dominate species on Earth, although technically the Devilmen are an offshoot of humanity. 



MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 10:52 AM

Yeah, it would succeed, but the world would be no better off, so all that was for nothing.


What we really need is a great destroyer, but one that isn't specifically out to kill people. One that would send us back to the stone ages, or at least before we developed oil as an energy source. Great enough to skill kill a lot of people, though. Shin Godzilla is my candidate for this.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 10:56 AM

I mean, even if the "Great Destroyer" thing fails, Shin Godzilla can adapt into those Godzilla Men things we saw on his tail and go into your "Natural Predator" thing. Win-Win.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-14-2019 10:57 AM

well Shin Godzilla's "offspring" is growing into a pervasive threat in the Gojiverse



MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 10:58 AM

... That has nothing to do with this conversation. And that just proves my point! He can just adapt into Godzilla Men! He can adapt to whatever he needs, and he's specifically targeting our cities and energy sources that are destroying the planet, but not individuals or other animals so some will probably survive.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-14-2019 11:04 AM

that doesn't really make sense, I believe the godzilla men would hunt other lifeforms soon after destroying all the man made energy sources.



MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 11:12 AM

Yes, but here's the thing:

A. He only evolved the Godzilla men when he was about to die from people, which probably wouldn't happen in real life.

B. They are filling the Natural Predator Niche you brought up.

C. He probably wouldn't make too many Godzilla men because he wouldn't be preparing to fight some great threat like he was in Godzilla: Resurgence. He'd only make enough to survive through them, and seeing how they wouldn't see much reason to ever adapt and would find no reason to create more, the world could evolve around them, like in Godzilla Earth.


D. They probably would adapt to feed off of vegetation as well if they are adapting to be carnivores, because Shin Godzilla primarily feeds off of radiation. 


And most importantly, E. My main point was Shin Godzilla could adapt to anything we throw at him, but won't kill ALL of us, just a lot through his search for energy.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberContributorOct-14-2019 11:33 AM

The only predators I can see filling this role would either be the Future Predator from Primeaval, or the MUTOs from 2014 if they hatched (the former being the more likely scenario). But would we really want to open Pandora's Box and put this upon ourselves? Just think about it.

Still though, it's an interesting concept, but just because we could, it doesn't mean we should. That is all I have to say on this topic.


MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 11:37 AM

Thank you Dr. Malcolm. Also it would fail epicly in its purpose lol.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRespectedOct-14-2019 12:54 PM

But for the future predator... it got tricked pretty easily by Cutter, and in every fight it's ever been in it has lost... it also has a severe lead allergy... so I don't think even that would work, because they would get wiped out pretty quickly, especially since in the episode it was introduced they already figured out a way to detect them, which surely could be done by scientists in our world too since it didn't involve technology that is very far off from what we are capable of today.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-16-2019 8:53 AM

Well it just dawn on me. when watching the news, the consensus guy was saying that first world countries have a declining birth rate while third world countries have a booming birth rate to overpopulation. The "natural" predator wouldn't be released in North America, Europe, Australia, Japan nor South Korea since those areas either have a stable birth rate or are suffering a huge birth rate decline. 

The "natural" Predator would be unleashed on parts of the world that needs stabilizing. There the human population would be stabilized. Hypothetically speaking



MemberContributorOct-16-2019 10:25 AM

First of all, anyone else think this is Xenotaris sharing his secret evil plan to the rest of us? Because I think it is.

Second, what about my point with the MUTOs as the potential new natural predator to humanity?


MemberRespectedOct-16-2019 12:58 PM

I don't take fault with the MUTO plan, but I feel like Shin Godzilla would work better because he's less likely to overpopulate and can adapt to whatever we throw at him. Also, the MUTO doesn't fall under "natural predator". It falls under "Horny Destroyer". Also, no one can escape the MUTOS while they potentially can escape Shin. Also, they could return a few years after Shin while with the radiation the MUTOS release, people would probably never be able to return.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRespectedOct-16-2019 1:01 PM

Also, you should release a plague instead. Not to sound sadistic or anything, and I know that doesn't mean anything and I'll probably still sound sadistic, but after the Black Death, most European countries affected by it were in relative luxury afterwards. But still, the world would still **** up with your natural predator. With a Great Destroyer, humanity would be thrown back to long before we started destroying the environment. That's why a Shin Godzilla or a MUTO works better than future predator. Coupled with the fact that it's damn near impossible to kill them...


Also, the MUTOS seem to be less durable than Shin... but that's just my opinion. Maybe not the female MUTO, but the male seems a lot less durable.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberContributorOct-16-2019 1:01 PM

And that is exactly what is needed, a predator that can make any environment hostile to any creature that they prey upon and/or affect. (Unless they have adapted to be or are resistant to the harmful byproduct.) (Or am I seeing this the wrong way?)


MemberRespectedOct-16-2019 2:24 PM

Yeah, but MUTO wouldn't be a "predator" of humanity, it would just so happen to destroy our stuff for some radiation. They're more of "Great Destroyers", like Shin Godzilla. That's why I don't take issue with it, but I find Shin Godzilla to be a better candidate for the great destroyer for the reasons I listed before.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-16-2019 6:12 PM

The Predator was going to have a low birth rate and perhaps a kill switch once the population was at a manageable level



MemberRespectedOct-16-2019 6:26 PM

That still doesn't fix anything going on in the world. It's just "mercy" killing, which could be done more humanely another way. That predator still wouldn't fix anything! Also, people would probably have more kids because A. they'd feel it's their duty to at least try and bring the population back or B. so that if one kid dies, there'll be a higher chance that some will still make it to adulthood. Either that or people would just find a way to kill your creature; it is only an animal after all.


With a Great Destroyer, people wouldn't be able to kill it and it would just about solve most problems we have. A. Countries would stop warring with each other to kill it. B. It won't die. C. Won't affect animals outside of humanity, unlike a predator. D. Won't overpopulate. E. Won't kill off all of humanity, just most. F. Would set humanity back to the stone age, so global warming and all the other ways humanity is affecting the world would basically come to a stop without killing everyone. 

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-16-2019 6:47 PM

Well the plan wasn't to nearly exterminate man kind nor send them back to the stone age. I think the Devilbeasts from the Devil Lady manga and Anime would be perfect "natural predators" they evolved from humans so they are sapient, but like predatory animals they have natural weapons like claws, stingers, fangs, etc. etc. and they have a high regeneration which makes them pretty hard to kill. 



MemberRespectedOct-16-2019 6:55 PM

Yeah, but my point is then it would be POINTLESS. The whole point for the natural predator is A. to help curb the human activities acting on the environment, but it wouldn't work unless we all die or get sent back to the stone age with a bunch dead or B. reduce overpopulation, but if we're going to engineer a predator to rip people to shreds... why not just put them to sleep? Why would we need the natural predator there in the first place? It just wouldn't help, and if it did, it would help only in a cruel way, when it could be done more humanely. Hell, even a bullet to the gut would probably be more humane than being mauled to death, or having to WATCH as your family is ripped to shreds in front of you instead of watching them get euthanized. A natural predator would just be a Roman Gladiator-esque way to deal with overpopulation, when it could just be done humanely.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-16-2019 7:09 PM

well nature is brutal



MemberRespectedOct-16-2019 7:11 PM

... But what's the point of it then? You just admitted we could do it a more humane way; why would we spend millions, maybe billions in tax dollars to make these "natural" predators then? Why not a single great destroyer that would actually do something? And kill people basically instantly.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


Member2KOct-16-2019 7:15 PM

well i mean nature is brutal but not necessarily kill all humans



Member2KOct-16-2019 7:19 PM

I was just entertaining an idea for a future entry for my Gojiverse and a nice hypothetical situation without going all Shin Godzilla on the population  

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