Birth of a Tyrant Chapter 10 (Collaboration with GG)

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I Meme Everything

Member2KSep-04-2018 12:29 PM

Part 10: The Last Stand

Fresh off the success of conquering Earth, Tyrannos was watching the sunrise over a grateful planet from his palace balcony. At nighttime on the same day, he went inside to eat dinner with his parents and Oraculus. The stars were visible from the windows, lighting up the otherwise pitch-black sky. It was a beautiful site, much like Tyrannia before its fall. Sitting down at a long royal table, Tyrannos began to feast with his family. He was unusually happy, bragging and gloating about his success. Tenebris simply said, "Quiet, boi. Your success is limited to this planet. I've conquered hundreds more; you pale in comparison to me, so don't let your ego get ahead of you."

Enraged, Tyrannos shouted. "I'm almost as good as you, Dad!"

His mother, Tenebrae, said nothing as Tenebris continued to rant. "Your demeanor reminds me of a pouty child, giddy and happy as though you've actually accomplished something. Do you know what has happen in the months since we began? Thousands of Tyrannians have died, while you loitered around this forsaken planet, savoring blood. I don't want another word out of you, eat your meat and go to your room."

Tyrannos flipped the table over and stormed out of the room, heading to his personal quarters. Tenebris rolled his eyes. "God damnit."

Oraculus looked over at the Tyrant Knight's father. "You're a bad dad."

Tenebris stood up, angered. "Just for that, you're banished. Take your things and get off this planet."

Oraculus exited the room, packing food and other important supplies before taking a ship off Earth. For three days, nothing really happened, before Tyrannos woke up to the sound of quaking. Planet-wide, no. Solar system-wide, no. Galaxy wide, no. Universe-wide, no! It was multiverse-wide! The Tyrant Knight got dressed and climbed up the ladder to the roof of the palace, seeing a bright purple light in the distance.

Bells rang all over the planet as the city displayed a massive holographic television broadcasting a message from the king of the first universe, Regius."All able warriors throughout eternity. My people require your service. An ancient entity, born time immemorium, has been awakened and is on a quest to finish its mission of ending everything. For the future of my people...the future of all people, we need your help. Please."

Tyrannos was conflicted about joining, but Tenebris simply said, "Dewit. We may be able to claim an ample award for stopping this threat."

Tenebris, Tenebrae, and Tyrannos boarded a vessel with their best men. Traveling through space, they noticed that it had turned purple in color. The three Tyrannians of royal blood watched, seeing thousands of ships next to theirs. All headed to the same location, all headed to their end.

The vessels entered the Nexus, which had also turned purple in color. Tyrannos staggered a little, placing a hand on the wall. "I don't feel so good."

Tenebris rolled his eyes. "Man up, you're a Tyrannian of royalty for f*ck's sake!"

Tyrannos looked back at his father. "You don't understand. I feel like I'm going to die!"

They continued their journey, unaware that Oraculus was following in his own ship. Tyrannos saw that the portal leading to Regius was walled up with web-like malice. Tenebris said, "I'll take care of it."

He climed out onto the hull of the ship and fired a beam at the malice, his own evil able to destroy it. Their ship and all the others then entered the portal to Regius, seeing that it was full of tendril-like malice and sludge. Entire planets were gone, only their cores left. At the center of it all was the kingdom's capital, trapped in a swirling tornado of malice. The ships moved closer, a piercing screech filling the ears of everyone. Tyrannos hesitated to get out of his ship, feeling unbelievably sick. Shaking his head, he looked at Tenebris, saying, "Dad, I-I can't...something's telling me I....I feel like, I'm not going to-"

"Quiet." Tenebris cut him off, a villainous smirk appearing on his face. "You're my son. And you will not fall to any being. Except me."

Tyrannos stepped out onto the battlefield, seeing thousands of soldiers a second being slain by bolts of malice-lightning and soldiers manifested by the evil plaguing the kingdom. The dead were reanimated and used to fight for him. The Tyrant Knight fought his way to the front, spotting a soldier on the ground. He ran over to help him, but a beam of black energy put him out of his misery. Looking up, he saw something unimaginable, undescribable--a face, undescribable. Backing up, he still held his ground as a storm directly engulfed him.

Looking into the sky, Tyrannos saw a serpent-like body racing through the malice clouds as he dodged bolts of malice and killed reanimated soldier. The entity adopted a snake-like form that seemed unstable. The future Lord of All Beneath engaged the serpent in a battle that turned land to dust, Tyrannos unleashing his glowing sword. The snake roared as Tyrannos landed a slash across its face after dodging a barrage of attacks. "All that for a drop of blood."

The snake reared back, healing the scar. Tyrannos was frozen with shock as the snake opened its mouth, a massive pillar of purple ice impaling him. He yelled in pain as it lifed him off the ground. He looked to his parents as his body was frozen, seeing them abandon the scene in the ship. Tyrannos stared in shock before being frozen in place.

Hours passed, and the battle dragged on, with the entity easily killing the soldiers. Another ship landed near Tyrannos, and a being stepped out--Oraculus! He ran over to the pillar of ice, cutting it down. "Oh, no."

He dragged Tyrannos' frozen body onto his ship before leaving, returning to the Tyrannus Universe. He flew to a snow planet called Ciclad. Landing the ship, he dragged the body into a medical facility built within a cave, and put Tyrannos in one of the healing pods. It would take millions of years for Tyrannos to fully recover, and Oraculus went into hiding, going into cryostasis on another planet.

Epilogue, 5 million years later

Devices were flickering, blue and red buttons flashing on and off. The device suddenly defrosted, warming up rapidly. Inside the pod, five syringes appeared, being filled with liquid and simultaneously being injected into Tyrannos' body. He awoke with a loud gasp, shirtless. He looked around inside the pod as it opened up, falling out. Freezing, he saw a tunic hanging on a coat-rack, grabbing it and putting it on. Stumbling around, he could barely remember who he was. He found some boots and put them on, opening the door of the facility.

Tyrannos was confronted with a massive blizzard. He closed the door, but it did nothing, as war was outside. A chunk of debirs demolished the facility, bringing snow in. Seeing it pile up, Tyrannos bolted into the snow in a desperate attempt to find shelter. Traveling for thirty minutes, he found nothing, before collapsing, almost dead. He looked around, almost falling unconscious as his vision became hazy...but then he saw a being, donning black and white armor with a mask and drapes around his arms, approaching him. Tyrannos looked up at him before falling unconscious.

Hours passed, and he woke up on a bed, a plasma fire burning next to him. Tyrannos looked around, stunned and confused. As he motioned to open the door, a figure stood on the other side, mask still on. Tyrannos backed up, stumbling slightly and looking for a weapon. He grabbed a sharp piece of wood and tried to beat the figure with it, but the figure merely moved his inex finger--sending the chunk flying out of his hands. Looking at Tyrannos, the figure said, "Nice thanks to the one who saved your life."

He slowly removed the mask, steam ejecting from it as it de-pressurized. He had blondish-brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin. The figure said, "My name is Isaac, what's yours?"

Still scared, Tyrannos responded, "T-.....Tyr-....Tyra? I...I don't remember."

Isaac looked at him, before looking down and saying, "Amnesia, eh Tyra?.......I'll call you Tyrant."

Tyrannos looked up, accepting the name as Isaac smirked. "You have somewhere you need to go Tyrant?"

"What're you doing out here in a blizzard with just a tunic?"

Tyrannos looked down before saying, "I don't know, I have nowhere. I thought I was....I don't remember. I have no home."

"You do now." Isaac looked at Tyrannos before outstretching his right hand.

Tyrannos looked at the hand, before grabbing it with his right.

The End

"Part of the journey is the end..."

3 Replies


Member2KSep-04-2018 12:49 PM

This really came out absolutely phenomenal. Excellent series, took a while to reach this point but was worth it. Just intense, loved literally every chapter. 10/10

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

Member2KSep-04-2018 12:52 PM


"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberContributorSep-04-2018 4:08 PM

I liked this final chapter, and it was cool seeing how Tyrannos met Isaac.

Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

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