Omen's Release (Part Two)

Something Real
MemberLegendOct-07-2017 4:09 PM
(The following music selection was chosen for the beginning segments of this story. If you choose to listen to it while you read, it may enhance your reading enjoyment.)
"Get away from me...!" Kala'Triel could hear Zan's voice clearly within her thoughts as she placed a clawed hand to her head. "I can not help you..." Jax's words followed soon after - causing her to place her other hand to her chest. It was torment of a brand the goddess had rarely experienced. She was meant to ease life and death for all, and the misery she had caused - the horror she would bring - levied a weight upon her spirit she could not lift. "Oh, my beautiful daughter - what would you think of me were you to know...?" she whispered as she closed her eyes - fighting back tears.
"She would think...nothing..." the soft and masculine voice echoed out through the dark directly behind Kala', causing her to gasp and turn about as her ice-blue eyes widened. Her claw-like wings fanned and both of her tails arched up to stike as she flexed her taloned hands. How could she have been so careless? Wallowing in self-doubt while standing before The Well of Night? Anything could have been there upon that ruined and cratered expanse surrounding the tower - and she had let down her guard. Breathing softly as she prepared to defend herself, the Last Mother narrowed her eyes and arched an eyebrow with a quizzical expression as she beheld the being whom had interrupted her thoughts.
(The following music selection was chosen for this segment of this story. If you choose to listen to it while you read, it may enhance your reading enjoyment.)
There in the near-total darkness of the ancient and forgotten place, stood a strange and twisted thing - a being crooked and bent almost like a question mark from age or perhaps even malformation. Cloaked entirely in ragged robes which seemd to draw in whatever light could reach the utmost edge of the galaxy, the being was was easily seven feet in height - shadowing the Last Mother's 6'3 form. Three eyes, like burning embers in a waning fire, gazed out from the shadows of the thing's hood - the only feature Kala' could discern. "Your daughter would think nothing, Last Mother - for she, sadly, is not herself these she?" the creature spoke once more - its voice sounding almost like hot wind through dried leaves. Keeping her eyes locked upon the being's, Kala' said nothing as she sized it up - gaging its potential strengths and weaknesses. There were flaws, to be sure - exploitable weaknesses - but it was more than it seemed.
Remaining motionaless as it gazed upon the Last Mother, the being softly said "You came here to repair what they did, didn't you? To undo...the damage mortal vanity wrought upon your most treasured child...". As the corners of her mouth lifted gently in the barest hint of a mirthless smile, Kala' said "Were that your business, you would be one of my servants...". Stepping forward slightly, its body creaking and clacking slightly with each movement, the robe and shadow-swathed thing chuckled softly and said "Who ever stated...I'm not your servant, beautiful goddess?". Keeping her eyebrow arched in a dubious expression, Kala' softly said "I'm positive I would remember having you in my service - and I'm positive you would have been removed." Laughing faintly as it halted in its motions, the being kept its trio of glowing eyes upon the goddess's and harshly whispered "Ever the defiant one. So sharp in action and word. Scything and painful - yet calm and gentle. I see why you have few equals in this Multiverse - and fewer still whom love you. You are a bitter thing; standing defiantly in the shadow cast by your own pain. Like a star clinging to to its light as it vanishes upon the edge of the void...".
"Is there a point to your diatribe, or do you simply enjoy hearing your own ghastly voice?" asked Kala' as her features remained unchanged. She felt nothing for the words which had been hurled at her; she knew them to be as true as her love for her fractured daughter. As such, they held nothing for her. "Oh, yes, beautiful goddess" the creature said as it began to circle about Kala' "There is much reason behind the empty words which crash against your unmoved countenance." As the creature moved, Kala'Triel slowly turned to follow its every motion - her wickedly babed tails and clawed wings held up in preparation to strike. Coming to a halt - its back facing the Well of Night, the being softly chuckled once more and said "You know within your pained can not turn back now that you have stepped foot upon the path you now tread. Despite your doubt, your sadness, for...the young scientist, Zan and Jax, you can not deviate from this course...". Eyes narrowing in the first sign of true anger, Kala'Triel spoke in a soft and dangerous voice "You will neither utter their names nor think to bring yourself anywhere near them. Do you understand? They are under my protection - and should you choose to ignore my warning, I'll leave nothing of you but a shadow upon the side of that tower."
Cackling as the Last Mother's words echoed softly to is, the cavorted and creaked about like a deranged marrionette - its motion almost comical. However, Kala' was not fooled; she knew the danger of this thing. Whipping about suddenly as its jeering laughter cut-off abruptly, the thing locked its eyes upon the goddess's and said "My destruction would mean nothing, Last Mother. Death holds no terror to the dead. Yet, I know, there are greater horrors than even you waiting amidst the stars - perhaps...a life led fractured and without memory?" Kala' said nothing as she watched. "Ahh..." said the thing as it inched slightly closer "I'm right, aren't I? That's why I've not been reduced to dust by your hands - and that's why you're letting me talk...isn't it? You see, I know the reasons which bring others to the Voidpier and the Well of Night. Like all others before you, you're looking for someone - someone in particular...". Giving a faint half-smile as she watched the creature, Kala'Triel softly said "Omen".
Almost immediately, the being's mirth and jeering tone died away to stunned silence. Its movements ceased entirely as its three glowing eyes widened within the depths of its hood. "You...are a madwoman if you seek...her..." it softly said "Why would you seek such a thing?" Continuing to give a faint smile, Kala' simply said "Balance." Narrowing its eyes, the creature said "Since the begining of this wretched place, I have sttod watch over its prisoners - and not one has ever compared in horror to the Red Sentient. Do you not know what she is?" Giving an almost coy expression, Kala' softly said "She broke the barrier between the infinite layers of the Multiverse - became a part of the stars themselves. Their life is hers - and the energy she demands to exist is so great...a star within the multiverse fades and dies with each beat of her massive heart." Taking a step back as it realized the Last Mother knew exactly what it was she had come to unleash, the creature prepared to speak. Yet, before the being could utter another word, it suddenly shrieked and vanished entirely into a haze of burning dust as Kala'Triel lashed forward with unimaginable speed and ripped her wings and tails through its twisted body - the kinetic energy alone incenerating it on the subatomic level. As the burning embers and ash drifted through the silent space around her, Kala'Triel held out her hand and gently took hold of the only thing remaining of the creature she had just destroyed: an ancient key fashioned entirely from circuit-inlaid obsidian. Smiling as she wrapped her clawed fingers around the key, her ice-blue eyes beholding it with great interest, Kala' softly said "Why deal with the prison's warden...when you can hold the key yourself?"
Turning to look upon the Well of Night once more, her resolve for the task at hand restored by the now-slain creature's scathing words, the Last Mother slowly began to walk toward the vast gates to the ancient prison fortress. "You know within your pained can not turn back now that you have stepped foot upon the path you now tread. Despite your doubt, your sadness, for...the young scientist, Zan and Jax, you can not deviate from this course...". The creature's words rang in her mind - truthful and final.

Member2KOct-07-2017 4:23 PMIntense, I hope part 3 comes soon. This, "Red Sentient" seems extremely powerful.
Good grief.

Something Real
MemberLegendOct-07-2017 4:30 PMEMPERORGORILLAGODZILLA - I am very pleased you enjoyed this section! Indeed; Omen is extremely powerful - and evil beyond measure. :)

The Hooded Figure
MemberContributorOct-07-2017 4:49 PMNice followup to the first part. I thought Omen would make her appearance on here, as well. In all, I am enjoying it thus far.

Something Real
MemberLegendOct-07-2017 4:52 PMG:KOTM - Thank you so very much for your kind words, my friend! Do not worry; Omen will be appearing in the third and final section. My sister and I will do our best to not disappoint you and the others. :)

MemberContributorOct-07-2017 6:04 PMVery interesting, SR. I can't wait for part 3.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

Something Real
MemberLegendOct-07-2017 10:48 PMULTRAZERO80 - I am very pleased you enjoyed this part, my friend! My sister and I shall have the third section prepared very soon. :)