Member2KDec-05-2016 2:19 PM*The Emperor broadcasting to you now from the Imperial Palace*
Hello citizens,
I, am your governing power. I am the one who passes the laws, starts the wars and ends them. I am the Emperor, GorillaGodzilla. I hold all the cards, and your safety rests on my back. I have a lot on my plate, from making sure that generals do their job, to communing with outside systems and making sure law and order is in order after the collapse of the villainous DAF and the traitorous former-Emperor Lord Vader.
I cannot solely govern our six forums, our six wondrous systems. That is why, by Imperial Decree, I have created an Imperial Senate. This senate will house six senators when all is said and done, all of which will govern their select systems. From Godzilla to Star Wars, all the forums on this grand Scified Universe will have a senator. There are two new parties that I have introduced, the militaristic Imperites, and the home-propogating Sorites. There will be two senatorial candidates chosen to campaign for the much coveted position, we already have one for the Godzilla forum, Ultrazero--who is running as a Sorite.
We need one more for the G-Forum and the JP Forum, but we can begin without them. Any and all who post down below that they wish to join will be looked into for their political ability, and then chosen. The grand election will come for the G-Forum on December 15th of AV 1 (this year), the rest have not even begun yet. The election will be held through a Strawpoll, of which the two G-Forum candidates will be elected by YOUR votes. Going a little democratic, but I assure you I still hold the true power. When the six are elected, they will pass laws and govern the forum, so look forward to that--although all the laws have to go through me first.
Remember elections are Dec 15th, do not forget. And yes, may the Empire last, an eternity.
Good grief.