MemberNoobAug-26-2015 8:13 AMThe VidPhone that Decker used to call Rachel is being auctioned off by The Prop Store of London. Even though the auction hasn't officially begun you can place bids on it in advance. It's a fairly large auction with many articles and props from different films going on the block. They estimate the VidPhone prop will go for Fifteen to Twenty thousand British Pounds(that's $30,000- $50,000 to you and me). Out of my price range but I'd love to have it.It still has all the electronics needed to pipe video to the screen. If I had it I'd hook it up to Skype and order pizza's and stuff(we have a place in town that has Skype ordering operators) The VidPhone with a description and pics can be found on page 37 of The Prop Store of Londons interactive catalog of there next live auction. Here's a video of the piece showing it off for the auction: Prop Store auction ad for BR VidPhone Here's the VidPhone scene from BR. The graffiti and everything matches the prop being auctioned :) Blade Runner VidPhone scene

Member2KAug-27-2015 3:32 AM"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

MemberNoobSep-08-2015 11:33 AM
G-sniper Watergun
Load it with Johnny Walker & tip the delivery guy, Dale.
2015 BR:TFC mini-Gallery VIII:
Blade Runner Analysis - Kubrick References
by Adrian Castillo
And thanks Dale!
Bonus links:
The Trick Mr. Pizza Is Not Minding That It Hurts
Landing @ Toronto Int. Film Festival
Squirt Pistol Picasso

MemberNoobSep-12-2015 6:10 PMThanks folks!! The Stanley Kubrick reference really made me sit up and take notice Sawa! I'm thinking about bidding on one of the VidPhon sketches..but we'll see. ;)