Regarding posts of a personal and dramatic nature. (Important- please read)
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Admin2KFeb-24-2015 2:55 PMIn light of the many drama-related posts and posts of a deeply personal nature that we have been seeing lately, Chris and I feel the need to remind everyone that we don't normally allow them on site. I know it sounds harsh and I respect your need to express yourselves emotionally but they are against the rules. We are an entertainment site, let's keep it that way. Make personal posts on the SB or your profiles. Don't forget we have a community hub on Scified for posts unrelated to Sci-fi or movies. :)
Any posts made of that nature will be locked and deleted at the discretion of site Admins. I apologise if such actions are deemed cruel or disturbing in advance and I hope you understand why it has to be done. I assure you we take no pleasure in having to remove those type of posts.
Thank you so much for your time and understanding.
"Drama - while we understand that not everone can get along all the time we ask that personal drama is kept personal. That includes dramatic announcements when leaving/returning to the forums. That is why we have given all active members 'personal messaging'!"
**This post will be rotated around all the sites so everyone has a chance to read it. Also, people don't forget to check your mail, seems like some members are either ignoring or not receiving mail, if it is a technical problem we would like to know so we can fix it.