Your favorite Jaeger vs. Your favorite Kaiju

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Sci-Fi King25

Member2KFeb-12-2014 4:08 PM
What if your favorite Jaeger and your favorite Kaiju. Mine was technically already in the film: Striker Eureka vs. Otachi. Post yours! Well, here's mine. It's a hot summer day in a city near Sydney, Australia. Everybody is happy here in 2024. Then, a gigantic Cat. IV Kaiju emerges! It's Otachi! Striker Eureka is launched to terminate the threat. Striker attacks first and stabs Otachi's underside with its Sting Blades. She screeches at the Jaeger. She sprays acid at Striker, but he dodges. Then, she breaks Striker's right shoulder. He grazes Otachi's neck with his Sting Blades, but this fails to do much. Otachi now sprays it with acid in the chest. This does practically nothing, but it reveals Striker's Chest Cannons! Now, Otachi tries to fly away. She does, but not for long. She's soon knocked down by a few of Striker's missiles. She tries to get up, but is finished off by Striker's Sting Blades. Winner: Striker Eureka

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

4 Replies


MemberNoobFeb-12-2014 5:06 PM
It's a winter day Tokyo Japan, 2016. Suddenly, Knifehead appears out of the water! Tacit Ronin is deployed to fight against it. Tacit Ronin rushes towards the kaiju and punches it with a right hook. He the deploys his fangblades and slices Knifehead. However, Knifehead dodges it and lunges at Tacit. Tacit Ronin then deploys his chest cannons and fires. Knifeheads arm is ripped off, and screeches. Dung that, Tacit Ronin does an uppercut. He then stabs right through Knifeheads head with the fangblade. Knifehead falls into the sea, Tacit Ronins 2nd kill. (Obviously not canon).

james dexter

MemberNoobMar-14-2014 7:54 PM
It's spring here at Miami Florida, 2020 suddenly Raiju appears at the beach and ravages over the city Gipsy Danger was called to the kaiju, He ran towards the kaiju and used his sword to cut Raiju's tail Raiju roars at bit Gipsy's arm until it was cut off and tears it bit by bit. but Gipsy stabs Raiju while he was still rearing his arm that was cut off and used plasma cannon to shoot Raiju's belly ut Raiju ran to the ocean. Gipsy rushes off to finish Raiju he used the sword and cut Raiju in half Victory goes to Gipsy Danger

I Meme Everything

Member2KApr-03-2016 10:19 AM

Striker Eureka vs. Otachi?  Pretty sure it was Gypsy Danger.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

I Meme Everything

Member2KApr-03-2016 10:21 AM

Gypsy Danger vs. Godzilla

Godzilla emerges from the ocean in San Francisco.  Gypsy Danger is deployed to stop him, but gets annihalated by Godzilla's atomic breath.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

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