Ross Burt happens to be a talented artist and colleague I had the pleasure to have worked with for seven years
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MemberNoobSep-19-2013 5:33 PMI used to work with Ross Burt in the game industry for seven years. he is a talented artist. I keep in touch on facebook and I'll let his cartoons and artwork do the talking
here is a link to the rest of his art
[url=]Ross Burts Art[/url]
Fishkettlebananasnake :)
7 Replies

Admin2KSep-19-2013 6:10 PMThat's awesome, do I detect some "Untouchables" and "Star Wars" art in the second image??

MemberNoobSep-19-2013 8:02 PMwow, really nice artwork!

Community ExecutiveMemberNoobSep-20-2013 3:00 AMOh thanks, fishkettlebananasnake- ^^ as always you are showing us cool stuffs...
[i]Images from the link shown above[/i]
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

MemberNoobSep-21-2013 10:27 AMThis is exactly how I would interpret this story :) of Snake Plisken and his adventure...
Holy Cow...this rendition of Christopher Reeve's made my eyes water.. Thanks fishkettlebanana :)

MemberNoobSep-23-2013 7:08 AMyep that's how I remember superman too, from when my parents took me to see superman when i was a young kid

MemberNoobSep-23-2013 11:37 AM[center][/center]
I like the OO7 portraits best, + his doodles of women are quite good, too. ;)
Source: [url=]Matt's Neon Blog[/url]
Snake Takesss Manhattan[/center]
Thanks fishkettlesnakesss. ^_^

Member2KSep-23-2013 3:38 PMWOW, great work!
Lol, I have to say that Ripley carrying Jonesy in his catbox is my fav!
Thanks fkb :-)
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger
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