In 1980's Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back audiences were introduced for the first time to the bounty hunter Boba Fett. Portrayed by Jeremy Bulloch and voiced (originally) by Jason Wingreen, the bounty hunter was employed by Darth Vader to track the Millennium Falcon in a bid to lay a trap for Luke Skywalker. In return for his services, Boba Fett was given custody of smuggler Han Solo, frozen in Carbonite, so as to collect the bounty placed on the smuggler by Tatooine's notorious gangster Jabba the Hutt, Fett's primary employer, as evidenced by the bounty hunters status of bodyguard to the Hutt in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and the deleted (and later reintroduced) scene from Episode IV: A New Hope.
The character of Boba Fett was expanded upon in the prequel movie Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones with the introduction of Jango Fett (portrayed by Temuera Morrison); a bounty hunter wearing Mandalorian armor employed by Sith Lord Darth Sidious to assassinate Senator Padme Amidala and to act as the genetic template for an army of clones intended to serve the Galactic Senate. In return for his services, Jango requested an unaltered clone which he named Boba, portrayed by Daniel Logan. After his involvement with the separatists was uncovered by the Jedi, Jango Fett was murdered by Jedi Master Mace Windu.
Boba Fett has become a cult figure among Star Wars fans, is one of the top five best-selling figures from the franchise and is one of the most popular choices for cosplay by fans at conventions. The character is also a popular choice in video games having recently appeared as a Hero character in EA and DICE's Star Wars: Battlefront. With Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opening in theaters this December and another non-episodic Star Wars movie focusing on Han Solo expected to be released in 2018, and with interest growing from Lucasfilm and actor Ewan Mcgregor for an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie, what does the future hold for a Boba Fett movie?
There is no denying the characters popularity, whose iconic armor was originally designed by Ralph McQuarrie and Joe Johnston to be used by "Imperial Super-Troopers" (pictured above), but the characters demotion to a supporting character in The Empire Strikes Back (in which he originally was intended to be the primary antagonist) by creator George Lucas foreshadows one important factor about the character - despite looking cool and having become so popular, Boba Fett doesn't match up to his legend, as evidenced by the characters known actions in the original trilogy...
Following a cameo appearance in A New Hope, which showed Boba Fett to be but one of many of Jabba the Hutt's bodyguards the bounty hunter was employed by Darth Vader to track the Millenium Falcon. After covertly tailing Han Solo's iconic freighter to the planet of Bespin Boba Fett struck a deal with the fearsome Sith Lord, in return receiving Han Solo, frozen in Carbonite. Returning to Tatooine Boba Fett collected the bounty for Solo before continuing his service as one of Jabba the Hutt's bodyguards. Then, while aboard the Hutt's sail barge during the execution of Han Solo and his Rebel Alliance cohorts Boba Fett was repeatedly outsmarted by Luke Skywalker before being knocked into a Sarlacc pit, presumably to his death by a blinded Han Solo.
While speculation and even a fan movie (see top of article) claim that the bounty hunter somehow survived the Sarlacc pit, the characters actions as witnessed thus far doesn't really warrant his return to the big screen, especially in a movie focused entirely on possibly the galaxies worst bounty hunter. With the possibility of an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie looking more likely maybe Boba Fett could make another supporting appearance and face off against the Jedi who uncovered Jango Fett on Kamino (pictured above).