The 40th Anniversary Super Sentai is looking to take the franchise in a bizarre, but interesting direction. Featuring characters known as “zyumans” (half-human, half-beasts) from a parallel dimension, Yamanto Kazakiri, a human from our world, is enlisted to save the alternate reality of “Zyuland” from the Deathgalian. To succeed he must lead four zyumans into battle as the Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger. You can read all about their new weapons, themes and mecha right here.
A three minute preview has been released, showcasing the new sentai team's aesthetic. Although the action and effects are fairly standard, the themes have it all: Cubes, animals, cellphones, music—It's a melting pot of past ideas and new designs.
North American fans are barred from watching it on Youtube, but likely it can be seen on facebook: Click here to watch the three minute Zyuohger preview.
Junko Komura leads as series writer, having previously overseen the beloved 35th Anniversary celebration, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (2011). Komura's inclusion makes the series seem quite promising, despite some odd design decisions. Hopfully a strong comedic tone will ease the strange cube aesthetic. (“Minecraft themed” has been a popular meme pertaining to the new series.) Takayuki Shibazaki (Go-Busters [2012], Kamen Rider Gaim [2013], Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger [2013]) will direct the series which premieres February 14th, 2016.
How do you think the latest series looks? How will it stack up to the last two Sentai? Let us know below!
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Sentai Henshin