Back in July we covered a chilling indie game that has been designed and developed by one person, Finnish Jesse Makkonen. The game reminded us of classic games such as Manic Mansion, The Prince of Persia, Silent Hill and Resident Evil, while evoking memories of great movies such as The Shining and Japanese Horror classics like The Eye and The Ring. A 2D platform survival adventure, the game drops you into the bizarre "Moonlight Motel", a strange, building part alive with drinking guests and ghost bartenders, and part something else, something dark, something unnatural.
The designer/developer Makkonen had hoped to release the game by October 1st 2014, despite being a one man team with much work to be done on the game. Makkonen contacted us by email last night to confirm that Silence of the Sleep will indeed be available via the Steam Community, this October 1st, with a link to the following trailer...
While we wait with baited breath on the possibiity of an extensive and exclusive pre-release review of the game, we suggest you head towards the games official website at and show the game your support!