A few weeks ago it was confirmed that Naomi Scott, who recently played Ryoko in Ridley Scott's The Martian, was cast as the Pink Ranger in the latest Power Rangers film. Yesterday, Dean Israelite's production found its Red Ranger.
Newcomer, Darce Montgomery will become the leader of the Power Rangers in 2017. Montgomery's resume is fairly small, largely consisting of short films. Although this is understandably nervous news for fans hopeful of a decent flick, it's important to remember that the series itself has thrived on new talent and even sent said talent on fairly successful careers. (Original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson in particular.)
So what do you think of the new Red and Pink Rangers? Many speculate this is the new Jason and Kimberly, but with rumored ties to the series mythology is that for sure? Will Montgomery have the acting chomps to be a convincing and commanding Red Ranger? With so little to go on fans hold their breath for the best. Stay tuned for more casting news as it comes.
Power Rangers will begin shooting in Vancouver this coming January for a January, 2017 release date. Dean Israelite (Project Almanac) will direct the film based on a script by Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz (Thor, X-Men: First Class).
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About the Power Rangers movie

Power Rangers March 24th, 2017
High school teenagers (with attitude) are summoned to become superhuman heroes who defend the world against evil. At their disposal is an arsenal of powerful weapons and colossal vehicles known as, "zords".
Directed by Dean Israelite, Power Rangers's release date is March 24th, 2017.
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