John Connor, The prophecized leader of the human resistance in the post apocalyptic war against the machines, has to date been portrayed by four actors in three movies. In 1991's summer blockbuster Terminator 2: Judgment Day the saviour of mankind was portrayed by both Michael Edwards and Edward Furlong, in 2003's follow up and the first in the franchise to not be written/directed by creator James Cameron a young adult John Connor was portrayed by Nick Stahl, and in 2009 the character was portrayed by Hollywood superstar Christian Bale. In Terminator Genisys the mantle is once again passed over to the star of Zero Dark Thirty and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Australian actor Jason Clarke. This time around the character is portrayed as both a hero and a villain, both the saviour of mankind and the instrument of its extinction...
John Connor Turns The Tide in New Terminator Genisys Featurette & Clip!
Gavin for TerminatorScified2015-06-30 11:58:502015-06-30 11:58:50 Scified