Jai Courtney Talks Terminator: Genisys!

Scified2014-10-09 14:54:36https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4070938714980204.png
Written by Gavin4,378 Reads3 Comments2014-10-09 14:54:36

Terminator: Genisys actor Jai Courtney (A Good Day To Die Hard, I Frankenstein) can be seen in cinemas soon in the war drama Unbroken, directed by Angelina Jolie (!?!). While promoting the upcoming film the young Australian actor was quizzed by The Arnold Fans about his role in the Terminator reboot / sequel, in which he is to play the role of Kyle Reese, made famous by American actor Michael Biehn. 

TheArnldFans: Jai, You just finished working with Schwarzenegger on Terminator Genisys. What's your best Arnold story and was it challenging to interact with those endoskeleton FX creations throughout filming? 

Jai Courtney:"I don't know about my BEST Arnold story but the endoskeletons were funny, because they were really just guys in mo-cap suits running around." 

TheArnldFans: When do you start filming the next two TERMINATOR films and will Arnold be in the sequels on some capacity? Can there be a successful Terminator film without Arnold?

Jai Courtney:"Hard to imagine a Terminator film without Arnold. I guess we start filming - I think the plan is do the next 2 back to back in 2016."

TheArnldFans: Have you had your face scanned for future Terminator action figure merchandise?

Jai Courtney: "I hope we get an action figure! It's a dream of mine. It would be awesome. I had my face scanned for visual FX, I dunno if they're going to use it to make an action figure, I certainly hope so."

TheArnldFans: Halloween is coming...what are some of your greatest or most ridiculous Halloween costumes from the past...and what's your Halloween plan this year?

Jai Courtney:"My god! I haven't thought about it at all. We don't really do it back home... I don't think I'veever done Halloween properly. It's like, not a thing in Australia. We do it but it's not a big deal. Once when I was a kid, I shoved some BMX handlebars under my shirt and my shoulders and pretended to be a hunchback. We weren't very creative. I was dressing up all the time anyways, Halloween was just another day."

TheArnldFans: How do you stay in shape? Do you often PUMP IRON and who are your FITNESS role models?

Jai Courtney:"Mr. Schwarzenegger!  Um, I try and change my workout up a lot, because i get bored really easily. I don't pump a lot of iron. But that's a great documentary (Pumping Iron)."

TheArnldFans: Based on the material you saw of violence and profanity, would you guess this is a PG-13 movie or rated R? Did you get to have some fun with fantastic movie violence and F-bombs in Terminator?

Jai Courtney:"I would love to see it be rated R, but I don't think it will. I think in this day & age, it's much more likely to be PG-13. There were no f-bombs. But there'll be a healthy amount of movie violence."

The likelyhood of a PG-13 rating comes as no surprise considering the leniency of todays audiences, though it is baffling that The Arnold Fans claim that they and The Terminator Fans are petitioning for Genisys to be R-rated, when only the first instalment of the Terminator franchise was R rated, and only because of the inclusion of the scene in which John Connor is conceived; all subsequent sequels were PG-13 or equivalent.

Of worry though is the inference from Courtney that the endoskeletons that will be seen in the movies future war scenes are to be CGI. The endoskeletons used for the future war sequence in 1991's sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day (below) were filmed physically on set and were operated by and created by Stan Winston Studios. The legendary animatronics and physical effects company, now known as Legacy Effects was actually present on set for Terminator: Genisys, so why the reliance on CGI technology, especially considering that a life size endoskeleton was used to promote the movie at the Las Vegas Licensing Expo back in June (pictured above).

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MemberInitiateOct-09-2014 3:27 PM

Haven't we suffered enough with this franchise? More and more I suspect that the director is propping up the franchise merely to further his career plans.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminLegendOct-09-2014 4:20 PM

^I often wonder how much power Alan Taylor actually has over this production. Franchise pictures like the Marvel universe and a 5th Terminator film don't strike me as director-friendly movies. More like producer driven products that hire a director to do their bidding.

The PG-13 is what irks me the most though. That didn't exactly work with the last movie, so why would it here? On the other hand the most faithful and interesting continuation of this franchise was the [sadly] canceled Sarah Connor Chronicles and that was toned down for TV. If the writing is strong enough, it can be fantastic, but considering how rush this whole ordeal feels... I don't know. I love the Terminator franchise and I'm rooting for it to have a successful continuation, but it seems to have gone the direction of commercialism over poignant, blockbuster storytelling.


MemberNoobOct-12-2014 7:48 AM

Thanks Gavin.


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