Ever since Sony Pictures Entertainment announced their plans to make a standalone Spider-Man spin-off based on the web crawlers most popular nemesis Venom, fans and critics have been questioning how such a movie can be done without featuring Peter Parker's "Alien Costume" beforehand either in the proposed Venom movie or one of the other movies in which Spider-Man will feature. This is because in the original comic book canon Peter Parker returned home from battling in the Secret Wars wearing the aforementioned "Alien Costume" before realizing that it was in actuality a symbiotic parasite with a fractured and homicidal psyche. Once the symbiote started to coerce Parker's actions in a violent manner, and after discovering the alien creature was weak to sonic vibrations Parker successfully broke the bond between himself and the deadly symbiote. Unfortunately for Parker, Eddie Brock, a struggling photographer who had lost out to Parker for a job at the Daily Bugle, was in the vicinity hoping to snap some dirt on Spider-Man. It was with Brock that the symbiote found its perfect host, with both of them hating Spider-Man and Peter Parker.
However, due to Venom's popularity, the character has been reimagined across many forms of media, some of which have offered other possibilities for the character's origins. In the popular 1994 and 2008 TV cartoon serials, the symbiote was shown to be cargo aboard a crashing shuttle, whereas in the 2007 movie Spider-Man 3 the symbiote crashed to Earth inside a meteorite. In another TV cartoon serial; Ultimate Spider-Man, which recently ended its four-season run, the Venom symbiote was created from Peter Parker's blood. As such, it is feasible and possible that the Venom symbiote origins could be given a fresh take in the forthcoming movie, especially if we look to other characters associated with Spider-Man, namely Miles Morales and Cindy Moon. Morales is an African-American schoolboy whereas Moon is a Korean-American schoolgirl, both of which were also bitten by spiders that have given them superhuman abilities. Whereas Morales takes on the guise of Spider-Man, Moon takes on the alter-ego Silk. Both of these characters could be introduced into Marvel Studios' much-coveted MCU, courtesy of Spider-Man Homecoming not chronicling how Tom Hollands portrayal of everyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
As for Venom, one possibility could as follows... Norman Osborn, founder, and CEO of Oscorp realizes that whoever Spider-Man is, he must have attained his abilities from being bitten by one of Oscorps genetically augmented spiders. Having studied Spider-Man Osborn deduces that the web-swinging superhero has acquired increased strength, agility, stamina, as well as other abilities, but most importantly that Spider-Man possesses regenerative healing. Experimenting with Rats Osborn discovers this to not only be the case but that the healing factor is so pronounced it could be used to cure cancer. Needing to test the unique attributes of the augmented spider's venom on cancer cells in a human being Osborn illegally offers cancer patients his possible cure with an envelope of cash as an added incentive. The first volunteer would, of course, be Eddie Brock who (just like in the comics) is suffering from cancer. After being injected with the venom (hence the name he takes) Brock returns home and rests. But as he sleeps the augmented spider venom and Brock's cancerous cells combine and mutate, forming an aggressive symbiotic parasite. Meanwhile, for Osborn's second patient, who lied about having cancer, the augmented spider venom reacts directly with his blood, creating a similar but much more aggressive symbiotic parasite. The second patient's name; Cletus Kasady.
Using the spiders that bit Peter Parker there could be countless possibilities of how Venom and Carnage come into existence that doesn't need to rely on Spider-Man having bonded with the symbiote beforehand, of which the above example is just one possibility. As for Venom's Spider-Man-like abilities, as Morales and Moon showed, these could be inherent within the spiders themselves, and not necessarily unique to just Parker.
Article Art courtesy of PeeJay Catacutan.
About the Venom: The Last Dance movie

Venom: The Last Dance October 25th, 2024
Official plot synopsis for Venom 3 has yet to be revealed.
Directed by Kelly Marcel, Venom: The Last Dance's release date is October 25th, 2024.
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