Review Mothra vs. Godzilla film review by JRR

Written By JRR on 2014-08-17 15:06:22
this is a good monster movie, it is one of the few movies that is recomended to generall adiances, the efects are well done the story is nice, the pace isn't slow but isn't not ruched, the godzilla suit looks preety good, and the acting is decent.
the plot revolves around that mothras egg has washed on a japanese beach, the CO of happy enterprises buy's the egg, but meanwhyle Godzilla rises fromthe ground near the egg,the millitary tryesmany plans but at the end they are unable to stop him, a group of reporters go to infant island home of mothra to ask for help against godzilla, only to be rejected, but at the end they agree
i recomend seeing it even if you are not a godzilla fan