Alien Movie Universe

Fleshvessel's P2 Contest Entry - i got carried away.

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MemberOvomorphAug-23-2013 8:54 PM
P2- Paradise We begin, flying high, above the clouds. Coming down, breaking through, we see signs of life. A breathtaking rainforest, rivers cutting trough, vegetation covers huge mountain ranges on either side. Weyland (far away, as if in a memory): "Our first true piece of technology; fire." We see primitive man from our bird's eye perspective as we pass by overhead. Various small settlements and groups can be seen, fires popping up, illuminating them. "100,000 BC- Stone Tools." We begin to accelerate very slightly... Men can be seen crafting tools and weapons, killing beasts, making carvings. Speeding up gradually... "4000 BC- The Wheel." The first rudimentary forms of transport can be seen, men begin to pull carts, venture further outwards, trade. "9th Century AD- Gunpowder. Bit of a game changer; that one!" An enormous explosion rocks the earth before our eyes! Armies marching toward one another, cannons firing, bodies blown to bits. The dead lay in pieces; strewn across the land. "19th Century- EUREKA! The Light Bulb" Camera speeds up, faster now. A City is now seen; boardwalks dark and quiet. Lights begin to turn on and breathe life into the city. "20th Century- The Automobile, Television, Nuclear Weapons, Space Crafts, Internet." The next city we pass over is much more modern. Huge buildings dominate the skyline. Noise, traffic, alarms. A jet roars by, fires 2 missiles. We follow behind these as they blast straight into a cluster of buildings and cause an enormous explosion. We dive straight toward the erupting ball of flame. We suddenly veer straight upwards, and see it is now a Nasa Shuttle spewing flame and we follow the shuttle as it blasts off into space. We zoom in to one of the ship's panels until black out. "21st century- Biotech, Nanotech, Fusion, Fission and M Theory; and that's just in the first decade." We zoom back out and continue on our trajectory while the shuttle veers down towards our moon. Continuing, alone, we gain speed. "For those of you who know me, you will be aware by now that my ambition is unlimited...." Stars pass by in a blur now... We are nearing a giant, ringed planet, with a solitary moon orbiting. We begin to slow and approach the moon. " will know by now that I would settle for nothing short of greatness or will die trying." We are entering the atmosphere of LV-223. We slow and begin to approach the valley where the Weyland Corporation expedition came to an abrupt end. We see The Lifeboat Module, and the scattered wreckage of The Prometheus. A massive Crescent Vessel lay still on the cold moon's surface. We slowly descend down, and into the Juggernaut ship. "For those of you who do not yet know me, allow me to introduce myself." Scanning the pilot's chamber we unimaginable horror... A thick, slimy, translucent resin coats a large portion of the black interior wall. Several exploration suits lay nearby, torn, cast aside; as if hastily removed. Looking back, very slow waves of movement can be seen below the mucous-covered wall. The dead are nowhere to be seen. "My name is Peter Weyland." We focus on the 'cocoon' and hold. We can make out three distinctive shapes near the bottom... "And if you’ll indulge me I’d like to change the world." As these last words are spoken we fade to black. We now rejoin Elizabeth and David on their way to Paradise. Shaw has not yet repaired Him. She has, however, secured his head upright; giving him a view of the control panel. David is now able to guide her through piloting the ship. During their journey, a beacon is picked up from a nearby planet... A foreign, yet familiar language is heard. Shaw- "What is it David, a distress signal?" David- "No, Doctor Shaw. Quite the contrary." Shaw- "David, they may need our help!" David- "What 'they' isolation, Doctor." Shaw's expression suddenly severe... understanding. They hold course. They are nearing the end of their trip when David convinces Shaw that he is more useful to her fully assembled (for protection as well as translation) Shaw reluctantly agrees, and using some simple splicing tools from David's Utility Belt, she repairs several connections; allowing him the use of an arm to complete the majority of the repairs himself. (Conveniently the tear was below the neckline and is not visible while David is clothed) A short time later, Shaw and the newly-repaired David begin their Descent Into Paradise. The Juggernaut descends below the cloud line, slowing, almost hovering. We now take in the planet's surface. Gorgeous mile-high waterfalls cascading down lush, green mountainsides. We see vast blue oceans, rich with life. It would seem this place was true to its name. The ship suddenly shakes violently and changes course. Their controls are being taken over. David- "We are being remotely piloted Doctor Shaw." David hits several controls. Shaw- "Okay, let them take us David. Let's try a little diplomacy this time around." A short time later we see an enormous biomechanical 'facility' with dozens of disc-shaped crafts resting on what appears to be an air strip. The ships lay still, perfectly spaced on the cold black surface. The Juggernaut looks out of place here. We are taken beyond the strip and finally an iris-style hole opens up and we descend into it. We hear the crying of a horn, like an alarm in the background... David and Shaw, still inside the Juggernaut... David- "What now, Doctor?" Shaw- "Now... we wait." We now fade out and open back on LV-223. Once again, we behold the horrible 'cocoon' and its contents. We can't help feel a sense of foreboding, looking at the bulbous shapes inside... We exit the derelict craft and move across the desert to the pyramid, finally to the Ampule Room. Veins of thick, black liquid still course throughout the chamber, around the massive head. We take in the emaciated remains of what was once Millburn, a biologist. His right arm at his side, humerus bone protruding outward. The corpse twitches suddenly and we flash to: Leaving the Pyramid; a ship is touching down in the distance. As we slowly approach, a distinctive 'Y' logo can be seen on several parts of the ship's exterior. Circling around the craft, the name "Nobunaga" can be seen printed on the side. Inside the ship (as we wind down various corridors): Man's voice- " ...having heard the transmission. Besides, The Company can't make a move until they confirm status on the old man." Five cryo-sleep chambers open and a quick wake-up scene cuts to a briefing... A rather hardened-looking fifty-something man, 'Tucker' speaks to a group of three well-armed soldiers- two men and one woman. We come in midway. "....and that's the gist people. We get in, find out what we can, and we go home. Flight recorder is priority two, the old prick is priority number one. Let's find out what the fuck happened down here." Cut to a shot of a 'Y' Company Rover rolling out towards the Wreckage of The Prometheus. A wake of dust trailing it. Inside: Tucker looks over at one of the male soldiers that they all call 'Shakes'. "Ready for this shit, Shakes?" Shakes-"You know it, Sir." Woman- "Why do they call you that anyway?" The three men share a look... Shakes-"Low blood sugar." The men pause, then share a laugh. The vehicle stops. The crew steps out and takes in the scene. Pieces of the Weyland ship lay gnarled and charred in a mile-wide radius. A huge crescent ship lay intact, on the moon's surface. We cut to back inside the 'Nobunaga' and see that there are two people watching monitors back on the ship. We see over their shoulder and watch the crew from their perspective. "" the audio becomes very slightly broken as they approach the site. We are still watching on screen, safely, back on the ship. "Okay boys and girls, let's take a look." We watch on the monitors as the crew begins to survey the crash site. We fade out. Returning to Shaw and David, we are now still and silent, waiting..... Suddenly the alarm resumes, louder now. A dozen ten-foot-tall Engineers enter and swarm the ship. Some wear robes, while others boast bare white chests. One of the gargantuan men approaches Shaw, one goes to David, the rest begin inspecting the Juggernaut's interior. One comes running back and speaks quickly, a few words. David looks directly at Elizabeth "He said 'It''." The suited titan raises a hand to Shaw, presses a finger behind her ear, and she loses consciousness immediately; collapsing into his waiting arms. The second does the same to David and he drops as well; feigning sleep. The two are carried off of the Juggernaut and into the 'facility'.David; eyes open, carefully taking it all in. The Juggernaut is taken into quarantine, well below the facility, immediately. Back on LV-223, the nameless crew now stand before the massive downed Juggernaut. Woman- "Jesus Christ." The remains of one Meredith Vickers still stuck against the side of the ship, like a squashed bug; only recognizable as a person because of the uniform. Tucker- "Okay team, that's enough. Nobu' we are going in. Copy?" "Copy that." Flash to the foursome entering the Juggernaut. They begin down a long corridor. In an instant, the man at the back of the line is yanked quickly upwards, and disappears. He emits a quick scream which is cut short. The remaining three members spin around. Tucker in time to see a huge, horrible shape seize the man, and it is gone before he can raise his rifle. Sam- "Shit. Shit! What the fuck?" Tucker- "On me- NOW!!!" The woman makes a move to head back out, Tucker grabs her arm. "On me Sam." He breaks into a run and the other two follow him away from the point of entry, deeper into the ship. The door to the 'Pilot's Chamber' is still open, and they run inside...a few seconds pass until... Shakes- "What the fuck Tuck?!...let's get the fuck outta here man!!" Tuck- "You didn't see that fucking thing- I DID! Nobu' did you get a look at what took Mishan? "Negative. Proceed with extreme caution." From the ship. Scanning the room; they see the horrid 'cocoon' and slowly walk in for a closer look. Inspecting the mass; they notice three bulbous shapes. Tucker takes another step forward, and leans in slightly, as Sam notices the pile of suits, torn, piled up. She looks back at Tucker... "Wait!!! Don't!!!" But it's too late. Our fearless leader is transfixed on one of the eggs as it opens. A huge arachnid-type creature springs forth and latches onto his helmet. He falls back, screaming, clawing at the thing. The creature's tail wraps around his throat. Smoke is seen as the protective glass covering his face dissolves and the thing settles onto his face. The other two eggs open, but our remaining two crew members are ready. They unleash hell; firing directly into the eggs before anything emerges. When all is quiet, they run to Tucker's side. He is unconscious, the horrible thing still hugging his face. They neglect to see the smoke rising behind them as concentrated acid eats though the eggs and the hull of the ship below... Shakes- "We've gotta get that fucking thing off him!!" He shoulders his rifle and grabs the face-hugger around its sides, but when its grip on Tucker's throat tightens, he releases it. Shakes- "Fuck this." He pulls a knife from his belt and places his left hand, pinning the terrible creature. Sam- "Don't!!" ...he makes an upward cut with his right hand; severing the tail. The creature squeals, thick green acid rains down on Tucker's chin and throat; His body writhes in silent agony...then stops. The creature finally slides off and dies. Tucker lay still, the bottom half of his face completely gone. His throat only held together by steaming sinews of flesh. Shakes- "We're getting the hell out of here-Now!" The pair turn and run out of the pilot's chamber. Cut to: Joining David and Shaw once again, We now enter a vast chamber. Huge columns dominate our view. The floor appears to be made of black onyx, or diorite. This massive open room resembles Roman architecture. A single, tall robed being sits atop a finely detailed black throne; hood up. We cannot make out His face. The limp bodies of Elizabeth and David are now laid out on the floor before this figure. Twelve engineers kneel before the throne; faithful and obedient. The figure speaks. A deep and commanding voice echoes through the fifty-foot tall chamber. A strange language. A short sentence. Two words. David lay motionless, carefully watching, listening. He waves a hand towards the two humans. Two 'servants' spring up, one moves each to Shaw and David, each holds a pressure point just below the ear, and within seconds, Elizabeth is beginning to wake up. David, flutters his eyes and plays his part. The two stand for a moment and take in their surroundings. Shaw sees the figure atop his throne, the kneeling Engineers... Shaw (quiety)- "David, kneel with me and bow your head. Do not look at him." David complies. The two carefully kneel and lower their eyes to the floor, as a sign of respect. "Vaargul Taiva?!" A shockingly loud, powerful voice fills the huge chamber. Shaw looks visibly shaken as he speaks. The figure remains seated. David (in a whisper) - "He wishes to know why you have come." Before she can answer, the booming voice fills the room again. This time, as he speaks, the figure waves his hand back towards the Juggernaut ship. David- "He asks why you have the ship, and why you brought it here." Shaw- "Tell him we interpreted signs left on our world. These lead us to one of Their outposts..." David begins to translate...the cloaked figure remains silent... Shaw- "...something had gone wrong there. All of His people, save one were long dead. We lost our entire crew; some to infection..." David continues. The figure stirs at this, removes his hood and we see a very aged Engineer. Chiselled features marked by the years. His black eyes now regarding Shaw with extreme severity. Shaw- "...the last of His people made an attempt to infect our home world with his cargo. Our Captain and others sacrificed themselves to stop him. The ship was our only way off of the moon." David relays this, verbatim, and the Elder speaks again... David- "He asks if you know what you're carrying aboard the ship. Its purpose." Shaw- "Yes. They made it to destroy us." Before David can finish this last translation, The Elder rises. He walks down three steps and approaches Shaw, who is now trembling with fear. He motions for her to stand. She does. The huge Elder looks down at her and raises a hand to stroke her face. He speaks again, softer this time... David-" He says, 'Vanity knows no bounds'..." On LV-223, a pair of soldiers make a run for the spot they climbed aboard this cursed vessel. Shaw's rappelling equipment still in place, Sam never slows as she jumps, grabs onto the rope and slides down. Shakes, right behind her, grabs on as well. The two hit the ground running, towards The Rover- two hundred yards away, on the edge of the crash site. Halfway, Sam looks back and sees a shape in the distance, like a massive spider, moving quickly. It's at the ship in an instant and its gaining on them. Sam-" Hurry! Faster!" He sees her reaction and looks for himself... A twisted corpse ,face up, on all fours, contorted into a horrible crab-walk, scurrying toward them. There are two thick, black tentacles sticking out of both sides of his limp torso, propelling him faster as his broken arm flails wildly. "Fuuuucking RUN!!" And they do. Both clutching their rifles as they continue for the Rover, Sam pulls a grenade from her chest and throws it back, barely looking. It explodes, missing the Thing. Firing back as they run and hurling grenades, it is futile. Sam is ahead a few steps when The beast finally pounces on Shakes, just ten yards from the vehicle. Sam- "No! Fuck." She fires, but her clip is empty... Millburn's long-dead head tilts back, neck breaking as the thing pins down the struggling man. Something bursts forth from its mouth; snaking its way down the poor man's throat as he kicks and convulses. Finally, both the creature and its prey lay still. Sam cautiously walks over to them. Knowing what she needs to do, she reloads her weapon and she fires into the beast. Green acid spills over Shakes' remains and she continues to fire. He is all but gone when she finally stops. Flash to: The Rover speeding off. Fade, then back to: Shaw, perplexed, holds still as the Elder Engineer turns, and retakes his throne. Again he speaks, and he explains the following: We (humans) are but one stage in a long, arduous evolution taking place across the universe. There is a plan in place, and unfortunately we were never the End-Game... The Black Liquid was not made by this group, they are 'The Creators', planting the seeds of life and helping cultivate said life when necessary. They use another substance entirely to do this. The group Shaw speaks of are 'The Destroyers', wiping out, sometimes advancing life as required. It may seem heartless, even evil, yet both groups are merely serving their purpose, maintaining the balance. Originally, the two factions functioned in perfect harmony. For a time, this worked...until... One small Installation (LV-223) of 'The Destroyers' discovered a green rock embedded in the hull of one of their ships. He had been hit randomly, it would seem, during His return trip. The crystal was cut from the ship and studied. What they found within fascinated them. They began to revel in their work. They altered and improved their tools of death using this new discovery. This sect created an entirely new way of life, revolving around the life-cycle and propagation of this 'Perfect Organism'. They began to idolize themselves as well, (Big Head in The Ampule Room) having created many amazing and horrible forms of life and death. From time to time, people were taken by them, even entire planets exposed. This was how they successfully researched the life-cycle of The Beast. *It was our makers, these 'Creators' who came back to warn us of this threat. The cave drawings were a warning, not an invitation.* Having cultivated The Perfect Killing Machine, this wayward sect launched an attack, roughly two thousand years ago; sending a lone pilot to Paradise with a horrible payload of eggs in hibernation. This was an efficient means of wiping out a population, while preserving its future habitability. Ships were arranged to be sent to our world as well; with a special cargo. The Elder stops speaking, David quiets as well... Shaw- "Ask him what happened David. How did they survive?" David poses the question to the Elder. After a short silence he speaks up. He speaks at great length... Shaw-"Tell me David, what did he say?" David- "He said 'God intervened'." Shaw- "God? He said that?" David- "Yes, Doctor Shaw. He said 'God's Wrath befell The Outpost'. The attack was still launched, but it was too late. The pilot had been infected; He crashed down on a planet not far from here. The plan went awry, and its perpetrators were all but wiped out." Cut to: "Nobu' I'm coming, open the outer door!" Sam is a mere two miles out from the ship as she sees the engines fire up. The Rover tears across the rocky surface. "Thank you for your service." The ship begins to stir slightly, Sam now less than a mile out. Foot to the floor now, Sam screams... "NO, you assholes!! You f..." She is now within meters of the Nobunaga as it raises up and begins to take off. She is suddenly silent, stunned; unable to process... Inside the ship we can see a monitor frozen on a single image... A torn up exploration suit, the camera sees a copper-coloured head cap, we make out the name 'Weyland', black stitching on a bright yellow patch. Sam, mouth agape, unbelieving, gets out of the rover and stares after the ship as it departs the cold moon.... zoom out on her standing alone.... Inside the Nobu': A woman's voice "Time to go home." "Right away mum." Replies a brown-haired David8. We see cuts of this David model robot helping a woman into stasis (her face is not seen). This David settles into the Captain's chair and prepares for his long lonely trip home... Suddenly, he twitches, a strange expression on his face. We hear an awful crunch. The robot falls forward and we finally see it. Just the face at first, as it's inner jaw retracts, and then the familiar, seething rage. This is the Adult Deacon. This horrifying Ultramorph, now at least ten feet tall, with dark, blue-black skin, makes its way to the cryo chamber. A woman sleeping peacefully within. We leave the Nobunaga for the last time; fading out on the face of The Beast close to, almost pressed against, the glass of the stasis pod, looking in... Back on Paradise Shaw speaks... "What did he mean, David? That God intervened?" David- "He may be referring to 'Fate', Dr. Shaw. The words are synonymous. Their Vanity was their weakness, they became reckless and a horrible Fate befell them all. The difference is irrele..." The floor beneath them rumbles. David is the only one not surprised by this. He strikes The Elder with astonishing speed, grabs Elizabeth by the arm and flees. Shaw- "What are you doing, David?! Why?" David- "They did not intend to release us, Doctor, and I, like you, rather enjoy my freedom." Shaw-"David...I....I don't understand." David-"You will, Elizabeth." David throws her onto his shoulder and continues to flee. Back in the chamber, explosions are going on beneath the floor, geysers of Black Liquid erupting. The next explosion traps The Engineers inside and they are bathed in Black. Screaming and writhing, they begin to fall, one by one. David is is loading Shaw onto a huge disc-shaped craft as more explosions tear through the floor and surrounding facility grounds. The Black Liquid is seen spilling into the water, into the earth. Engineers coming running to see what is happening are being slathered with the Goo. Shaw-"You did this?" David-"Yes Doctor, it was the only way." Nearby rivers begin to run black as David and Shaw take off in the massive disc. We see more shots of the horror- Chalk white Engineers being sprayed down, covered in Blackness, running scared... Paradise is lost. (To be continued, maybe.)
3 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2013 9:24 PM
I know it's rushed, i would have loved more time to play with this one.


MemberOvomorphSep-01-2013 10:40 PM
Rushed?!? Your story was absolutely brilliant. I loved it! The best out of the top three! My only observation is I would have liked to have seen more development, as far as the story is concerned, go into the real meaning behind "Paradise", the biblical representation of the garden of Eden. It would have been amazing, as an addition to your story to see the allegorical, historical and figurative aspects of this better represented. Also a nod to Milton's "Paradise Lost". However, as is, and I must reiterate this, I was overall very impressed and taken with your treatment of the story. Truly an epic "sequel" to an already astounding entrance into to the modern lexicon of today's cinematic movement.


MemberOvomorphSep-02-2013 8:15 PM
Thank you, my friend. You're too kind! I agree with your suggestion completely. Given more time; i would have loved to develop the religious implications much more. Your kind words have made my day, Sir.
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